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I was making out with Alessandro

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I was making out with Alessandro. One of his hands around my neck, and the other one on the wall.

When suddenly a sharp pain hit my stomach, making my legs let go of his waist.

I fell onto the floor holding around my stomach in pain shutting my eyes going from side to side.

I opened my eyes to see Alessandro down at my height.
"What's wrong?" He asked with no absolute expression as always of course
"Stomach ache" i answered softly.
"It isn't because of.." he asked
"No it's not that" I answered, I don't even know if he heard me or not i just tried to keep my eyes open at this point.

"Hey, hey, hey stay awake" he said shaking me
"Bitch don't you think I'm tryi-" I tried to say before the pain got worse and I grabbed his hand.

I tried my best to stay awake but the pain was taking over
"I only let you call me bitch this one time" he said
I didn't answer, I just tightened my grab on his hand.

Alessandro tried to get me up on my feet.
"Alessandro"i said before it all went black

"Alessandro"i said before it all went black

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Natalia passed out in my arms. I lifted her up in bridal style and carried her out of the changing room.

I gave the cashier double the price of the dress and left.

I walked back to the car with Natalia in my arms, Matthew and Veronica was already back.
Nico was in the driver seat, Matthew was standing outside the car trying to get Nico out of the car and Veronica was on her phone.

I cleared my throat walking over to them with Natalia.
"NATALIA, Alessandro what did you do" Matthew yelled and ran over to me
"She passed out" i said looking at Natalia
"Yeah no shit, what happened" Veronica said checking Natalia's pulse

What the fuck,I said she passed out and shes checking if she's still alive

"She had stomach ache, and passed out" i said now looking at Matthew.
"AYOO DID YALL KNOW YOU COULD PLAY ON THE TABLET THING IN THE CAR?" Nico yelled from the car. Matthew opened the car door and pulled him out, his eyes widened seeing Natalia unconscious in my arms.
" you little fucker what did you do to my sister" Nico said looking me dead in the eyes.
"Calm down he didn't do anything" Veronica said holding him back by his shoulder
" could I maybe get in the car or ?" I said

They all moved out of my way.

I sat in the back and put Natalia beside me, Matthew sat in the driver seat and Nico and Veronica were arguing about who got to sit in the back with Natalia.

"Nico shut the fuck up and go sit in the front" Veronica said opening the car door
"Why would I shes my sister" Nico said crossing his arms like a little kid.
"Why is Alessandro even sitting in the back" Nico asked and to be honest I don't even know I just sat there I didn't think about it.
" Nico you little shit- fine fine sit in the back but stop pointing before I cut your finger off" Veronica said threatening him.

Nico just stood there looking at her
"Nico isn't that Mia your ex?" Matthew said loud making Nico jump into the car "where" Nico said looking out the window
"Oh never mind I can't see so well without my glasses" Matthew said while Veronica sat in the front with him
"But you don't wear glasses?" Veronica said looking at him.
"Your right I don't" Matthew said getting closer to her face.

Well that's my hint to stop looking, i looked at Natalia who was sitting in the middle beside me and Nico.

Well that's my hint to stop looking, i looked at Natalia who was sitting in the middle beside me and Nico

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I woke up sitting in between Nico and Alessandro in a car.

I still pretended to be unconscious tho.
"MATTHEW!" Nico yelled making me flinch a little bit I think Alessandro noticed because he looked at me, he pulled me closer to him so my head was now against his shoulder.
"I know your awake amore" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine ( love)
"Mhm what happened" i whispered back
"You passed out" he whispered, I mean I can't remember much before I passed out, only that I was
In a changing room with Alessandro.

"Alright that happens" i whispered and tried to go back to my place but Alessandro put his arm around me so I couldn't move away "not even a thank you so rude" he whispered
"Yeah I would thank you but I'm kinda in the middle of something so could you maybe let go of me or at least stop whispering" i whispered with closed eyes
"Sure Miss actor" he said hardening his grab around me.


Matthew and Veronica were talking and Nico was on the phone with someone.

Alessandro's arm was still around me and I felt way too comfortable there. I hadn't moved at all I had been pretending to be unconscious all the time
" you still there?" Alessandro whispered, I bit his arm in response and he didn't even react he just called me a bitch
Well that was a bad idea I bit him again harder.
"Let go or you will regret it" he whispered

Well thanks for letting me know, this is gonna be fun

I didn't let go of his arm I even bit much harder.

Did I mention I was mean?

"Hmm" he murmured before harshly grabbing my thigh but slow so the others wouldn't see it
I quickly let go of his arm when he grabbed my thigh


Is this good?
I don't really know

Alessandro Revello Where stories live. Discover now