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Fuck, fuck, fuck I stormed out of the room, I was about to say I love you to Natalia but violet luckily came in and stopped me from saying it

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Fuck, fuck, fuck I stormed out of the room, I was about to say I love you to Natalia but violet luckily came in and stopped me from saying it.

I can't love, I'm not able to love anything or anyone so why do I love her..

I need to stay away for some time.

"Emma è pronta per te"Lorenzo opened the door to my office "ever heard of fucking knocking" i grabbed him by the collar "sorry ale-boss" he corrected himself and I let go "fuck off" I turned around beginning to walk back and forth again.
Enzo looked confused at me but I shot him a glare and he left the room quickly. (Emma is ready for you)

"Let's get this bitch over with" i yanked the door open only to see my mother standing outside it "devi calmarti fuori uso"she said dragging me inside again "what are you doing here" i furrowed my brows and she put her hand on my cheek I took her hands off my face to hold them, I love my mother so much she's used to stop my father from beating me, she failed sometimes and got beat sometimes herself but she's the best mom you could have. "I cant live with your father anymore"she says and looks down
"Mama you can't leave he will find you and kill you, not that I will let him but still" I said shaking my head

"I want to go to my mamas house, he doesn't know where that is and my mama is a very.. how can I say it protective person" I looked at her confused and she sighed sitting on the couch with me sitting next to her.
"Well my mama is a very protective one she once got someone's parents in jail because they're child slapped me and that's not all when I was a teenager a man tried to you know and then she came and dragged him away and I never saw him again and when i asked her what she did with him she answered with "some people just die at a young age" and by that I mean she killed him" she said and smiled i nodded and she continued "well when my father said he sold me to a mafia to marry your father"she gulped and I held her hand "my mama threw a knife in his face the minute he finished his sentence but it didn't make a difference because an hour later they came and dragged me out of there and held my mama so she could not do anything about it" my eyes widen wow she had some kind of mother no wonder mine is so brave "I guess you can go then I will have a jet ready for you in a hour" i smiled at her "I love you my son"she hugged me and I hesitated but hugged her back, I don't do hugs.

"You should smile more your dimples are so adorable" she pulled from the hug "yeah no not going to do that" I stood up fixing my tie "too bad at least Natalia shows her dimples" she said and my whole body freezes "what?"she stood up i cleared my throat "nothing I have to go torture emma" I was about to open the door when she stood in front of it "move" i clenched my jaw "seriously Alessandro open up I swear to god if you hurt that girl" she warned me pointing at me "I'm not going to because I won't let her in to hurt her" I stared at her coldly "your gonna hurt her by keeping her out, and you don't want to hurt her do you?" She asked and lifted her eyebrow I stared at her for a moment not answering "you don't" she laughed "you know what I think I will stay here for some days" she says getting away from the door "you do what you want" I opened the door and walked away not closing it, I don't want to hurt her she's right but either way I'm going to hurt her by both letting her in and by keeping her out...

Fucking hell

I walked to the room in the basement and the moment I opened the door Emma began laughing "laughing at my brother?" Leonardo grabbed her chin making her look up at me as I walked towards her.

She was chained up both hands and legs sitting on a chair I made sure they chained her stomach to the chair aswell I am not going to take any chances.

"Well we'll well who do we have here" she smiled creepily "Alessandro fucking revello my daughters husband"she began laughing husband I never thought about it that way fuck the papers I signed I totally forgot what it meant she's mine as long as she lives.

"Not your daughter"I calmly said grabbing a knife the key to make them scared is being calm

"Yeah well her real mother couldn't really be there could she?" She laughed even more psychopath
Says me

"Your funny" I looked at her with no expression and she stopped "mood killer" she rolled her eyes "no I'm more of a human killer" I shrugged pulling her dress a little up and she gasped "human rapist you mean" she smirked and I ignored her "is this where Natalia stabbed you?" I asked putting the tip of the knife in the already open wound she screamed "you know I don't usually torture woman" I grabbed her thigh roughly digging the knife further into her thigh "p-please stop" she cried and I left the knife inside her thigh getting up "now tell me everything" I demanded sitting on a chair in front of her with my legs wide open it's comfortable like that okay.

"Fine" she groaned "the Alvarez family was in big debt to the Russians as in a lot of money they have took without giving it back-I know how it works- sure you do but since they didn't give it they had to give someone in the family to the Russians and Lorenzo said Natalia but that's when I came since I was in the Russians mafia I told them to take my sister and I would take her place and Lorenzo agreed when I told him we could give Natalia away later on and we did we gave her to your step brother but that deal somehow broke and before that we gave her a shitty boyfriend I think is named Jacob we told him to torture her as much as he could but without her noticing it's torture so she wouldn't leave him not that she could" she chuckled and my blood was boiling but I had to stay calm "so basically they were all in the Russian mafia Jason, Jacob, Veronica and me "she laughed again and I shot her a glare which made her shut up.

"And her brothers are dumber than shit they never noticed anything I mean one of them fell in love with Veronica it was the plan but he's so stupid" she rolled her eyes "you know Natalia's disease well I used to give her more pills than she could take and when she slept her father used to come hit her and kick her without her knowing because she took the love of his life Emilia" she smirked and I wanted to slit her throat and give her father a slow and painful death "hmm and what would happen if you died" I asked and her smirk disappeared immediately "I-I don't know I think they would come for Natalia then" she answered slowly and the smirk came back "now tell me who's the don" I stood up walking closer to her "I will tell you what on one condition" she smirked Emma looked a little like Natalia and was like 30 something I hummed in response walking around her "let me give you a handjob I have wanted to see your dick for so long" I stood behind her kind of shocked but then not who wouldn't want to see it " so can I?" She asked and I chuckled "is that the last thing you want to do before you die" I stood in front of her looking down into her disgusting eyes "that's the only thing I always have wanted to do beside having sex with you but I don't think that's going to happen so a handjob sounded better"she said licking her lips looking at my pants "you really think I'm that dumb letting your hand free" I chuckled pulling her hair back "I can use my mouth no problem" she winked

"If that what makes you talk" i say and she smirks "but open your mouth and close your eyes" i say zipping down my pants.

"If you say so revello" she smirks closing her eyes and opening her mouth i take my gun placing it into her mouth loading it, her eyes open widen hearing the sound of the gun clicking "tell me or die" she seriously thought I would let her give me a blowjob when Natalia haven't even gave me one yet. Idiot

She nodded fast and I took the gun out of her mouth " Emma Annabella petrov" she began laughing like the psychopath she is.

"That makes it all a lot easier" i placed the gun inside her mouth again and she shook her head "any last words?" I smirked "just kidding" I pulled the trigger.

And she's dead just like that.

"Leonardo" I yelled and he rushed in looking at her dead body with widen eyes.

"She's the Russians don" i said and walked out of the room.


Thank you so much for 2k views I never thought that would happen.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been on vacation ;)

1681 words



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