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I went to my room and straight into the shower, I had blood in my whole face

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I went to my room and straight into the shower, I had blood in my whole face.
"Alessandro?"i heard a voice say I ignored it and washed my hair.
"Alessandro get the fuck out here" it was Natalia yelling outside the bathroom.
I rolled my eyes and put a towel around my waist, I opened the door and Natalia immediately slapped me "you killed my mother" she pointed at me with watery eyes "I don't have time for this shit, so let me make it easy for you to understand" I said, I chose to keep her out.
"I killed her fucking twin, Emma okay get out"i yelled at her and she looked a little pale "I know she's in Russia, so why am I here"she touched her forehead and her eyes widened a bit.

"Sorry goodbye" she quickly ran out, fuck I love when she yells at me but I think she's sick or lost too much blood or something.

"Alessandro Mariano Revello" my mother came in looking mad at me "not you to" I walked back into the bathroom"you better let her in alessio" my mother says "not happening" I answered closing the door.

"Fine I'm just going to wait till you fuck it all up" she slams the bedroom door, my mother doesn't have patience at all.

-the povs are going to change some times so keep up :)

I was sitting in my office when I got I call from an unknown number "who's this" I said in a cold tone "the fuck did you do to my daughter you piece of shit" a man's voice said through the phone "and who the fuck is your daughter?" I laid down my pen " Emma Annabella petrov" I couldn't help but chuckle "one word" "dead" the man started cursing like crazy in Russian I believe "congratulations on the marriage I hope you and your wife Natalia are happy" "because that's not going to last very long" he hung up.

The nerve Russians have fuck I hate them "because that's not going to last very long" I rolled my eyes, I couldn't help but worry a little about Natalia with a little I mean a lot.

"Dinners ready" my mother said through the door "not hungry" I continued to sign some papers "I don't care you eat when foods ready" did I mention you can't say no to her.

"I have work" i said back "fine" she left
Well that's new her giving up.

"Dinners ready" Alessandro's mom said coming into my room, me and violet were watching a movie well she was watching a movie while I laid on the bed trying to sleep but failed because of the headache I had

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"Dinners ready" Alessandro's mom said coming into my room, me and violet were watching a movie well she was watching a movie while I laid on the bed trying to sleep but failed because of the headache I had.
"Sorry Catalina I have a bad headache" i covered my head with a pillow Catalina came and touched my arm checking if it's hot "Natalia you temperature is a little high come lay on the couch so I can help you" she offered me her hand, I removed the pillow taking her hand "violet come on" i said standing up "wait this is the part where she dies" she said excited "wrong movie come on" i say turning the tv off "oh yeah" she laughs.

We walk down the stairs and I see Enzo and Leonardo especially Leonardo staring at me well I'm not wearing anything bad, im wearing a white saying pajama set shorts and T-shirt.

"You look uh pale" Enzo says and Leonardo elbows his arm "what she does" he shrugs

"It's okay I know" I nod walking over to the couch in the living room I grab two pillows placing them at the top of the couch it was really long and pretty big so I made room for everyone else if they wanted to sit.

"Here so you don't get cold" Catalina put a blanket over me giving me a kiss on the head I give her a smile and makes her way back to the dinner table, I saw Alessandro wasn't there he's probably mad at me for being dumb I don't know what was wrong with me something just clicks in me when I hear the name emma or Emilia they look to much like each other but one of them is kind and the other is evil.

When violet told me Alessandro killed her I only thought about my mother and got mad so I went to Alessandro's bedroom and slapped him well he was mad at me before I slapped him so I don't know if it was me he was mad at or something or someone else.

I wanted to say sorry but I chose to leave him alone for some time.

I tried to fall asleep but couldn't because of my headache "here take these I know your head hurts and some pain killers for the arm also" Leonardo came with a glass of water and pills "can you read my mind?" I sat up he chuckled giving me the glass of water "I actually can" he lifted his eyebrows "what color am I thinking of" I THOUGHT ABOUT RED I asked taking the pills "red" "okay that's just scary" i answered WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK "you looked at my red shirt when you asked so" he laughed "oh I'm so dumb" I smile putting the pills in my mouth and drinking the water.

I lid back down and Leonardo went back to the dinner table I felt asleep but about five minutes later Alessandro yells "WHERE IS NATALIA" he runs down the stairs searching for me I sit up in shock "Alessandro?" He sees me and sighs in some kind of relief "Natalia"he comes over and lifts me up in bridal style "I'll take you to my room, you can sleep there" he starts walking up the stairs.

I lid back down and Leonardo went back to the dinner table I felt asleep but about five minutes later Alessandro yells "WHERE IS NATALIA" he runs down the stairs searching for me I sit up in shock "Alessandro?" He sees me and sighs in some kind of...

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I finish my work and the whole time thought about Natalia and how I talked to her earlier fuck what if she's mad at me.

I chose to go eat dinner so I can see Natalia when I start walking down the stairs I see Natalia isn't there so I turn around and walk to her room but that's when my heart stops seeing she isn't there either I quickly check her bathroom and some of the other rooms she could be in "fuck" I whisper to myself what if the Russians took her I started stressing I basically run back to the stairs "WHERE IS NATALIA" i yelled searching for her and everyone just looked at me confused "Alessandro?" Natalia sat up on the couch and my shoulders dropped knowing she's safe here I sighed and went to the couch picking her up, she put her stitched arm around my neck and put her hand on my cheek looking me in the eyes to see if I was okay or something "I'll take you to my room, you can sleep there" I started walking up to my room she fell asleep the minute I laid her on the bed.
Fuck she's beautiful.
I kissed her cheek and put the blanket over here getting under it with her, she turned around hugging me like a pillow I put my arm under her head and she kind of smiled, she was still sleeping so.

Sorry I haven't updated but I have one or two reasons
1. Vacation
2. School and homework
Actually three
3. Uhm online shopping like crazy.



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