Chapter Two

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I stil need someone to do me a cover for this book or maybe I can start working on one--eh. So here's chapter two I hope you guys like this!

          Chapter Two: Okami-chan is back

          I continued to walk ahead slightly keeping tabs on the person behind me while I carried Aki on my back. ‘Do you want us to confront him or her?’ Fuzen asked. ‘No, I will know who it is by the time I reach my apartment,’ I thought back. His chakra signature felt familiar, his footsteps were familiar was well—lazy and uncaring; ‘I know who it is,’ I sighed heavily. “Why are you following me?” I asked. “I just wanted to make sure it’s you; you sort of left the office without saying “Hi” to Naruto,” his familiar voice spoke.

          “I was a bit busy, if you haven’t notice,” I said while adjusting Aki-kun on my back. “Hai—I was wondering why you have a kid,” he said. “I adopted him after his Clan was murdered by the Sound Four,” I said. I stopped walking when Kuma-Ibiki appeared in front of me bending down to my eye level; “Oi—matte, who are you and why do you look like someone I know?” he asked making his aura murderous. I sighed heavily while walking around him, “You don’t scare me Kuma-Ibiki; so go have another hissy fit somewhere else, I have another things to care of,” I said and continued to walk.

I felt his grin on his face and felt both their chakra signatures following me, “It’s great to have you back Okami-chan,” Ibiki said and ruffled my hair. “It’s great to be back Ibiki-chan and it’s great to see you too Kaka-baka,” I sighed. “Okaasan,” Aki-kun murmured. I glanced at him and spotted him still asleep. I sighed, ‘Aki-kun,’ I thought worriedly. ‘Don’t worry Okami-chan, he’s a tough kid,’ Fuzen said. ‘And if it was my choice I would have made a deal with that one and be sealed inside of him,’ Fuzen stated causing me to freeze and the two idiots to almost bumping into me. I smirked, “Okami-chan?” both of them asked warily. ‘You’ve done it now, baka-yarou,’ I heard Gobi say.

‘YOU HAVE ANOTHER ONE SEALED IN YOU?!’ Fuzen shouted ignoring Gobi’s statement. ‘Iie, I can hear, see, and talk to them and they can feel, see, hear, and talk to me,’ I explained. ‘Matte—why did you say “I’ve done it now”?’ Fuzen asked. “I must go,” I said and vanished into my apartment. I glance down at Aki-kun and shook my head, ‘Gomen,’ I thought. I kissed his forehead and prepared myself.

|Meeting Team 7—and Sai|

“Morning,” Aki murmured. I smiled at him and place a plate in front of him, “Here you go Aki-kun,” I said and kissed his forehead. He smiled at me and his gaze landed on my leg, “You finally did it,” he stated. I nodded my head and looked down; “Hai, it was for the best,” I said and he nodded his head. I chuckle, “You act as if you’re grown up,” I said while he grinned at me, “That’s because I’m a big boy.”

“Get ready we must leave soon.”

“Where are we going?”

“Getting my headband back from a very special friend of mine; I hope she still have it.”

“Who’s this friend?” I chuckle, “You will meet them after you finish getting ready.” He shoved his food in his mouth, run back to his room and appeared in front of me under ten minutes. “I’m ready,” he said. I chuckled and patted his head, “Then let’s go,” I said and we both walked towards the door. Walking outside I locked the apartment and heading towards training ground seven while Aki jumped onto my back. “Hurry Okaasan,” he smiled. I laughed a bit and vanished.

Appearing in front of a boy he stood ready to fight me. “Settle down Sai; it’s only Okami-chan,” I heard Kakashi say. Sai – a boy with short black hair, black eyes to which pops out even more because of his pale skin, wearing a short black jacket with red straps, a backpack, a high-collared midriff shirt, black pants, black Shinobi sandals and gloves on each hand only exposing his forefinger and thumb – stood straighter and put his kunai away. “Okami—meet Sai; he’s here to replace Sasuke,” Kakashi said. “What do you mean “replace Sasuke”?” I asked pretending not knowing this information. He scratches the back of his neck nervously, “Uh, Sasuke-kun, left the village a week after you left for your mission,” he said.

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