Chapter Thirteen

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“Sasuke-kun!” a feminine voice shouted. A raven haired boy stopped in his tracks and turns around in time to see two of his team mates running towards him. “What is it?” he asked. A blonde haired boy only glared at the boy but answered, “We are going to see Kakashi-sensei at the bridge!” he said. Sasuke nodded and followed his team mates. “After the meeting, do you want to do something, Sasuke-kun?” his pink haired team mate asked shyly. “No,” he answered bluntly. “I will do something with you, Sakura-chan!” the blonde added happily. The girl, Sakura, glared at him and then proceeding to punch him on the head, “Mind your business Naruto!” she said. Sasuke only sighed as he continued his way towards their usual meeting spot with their sensei leaving the other two behind.

“Matte!” both shouted as they ran to catch up with him. “Oi, where’s Okami-chan?” Sakura asked. “She had another mission,” Naruto answered. Sasuke stopped in his tracks and looked at Naruto, “What teme?” Naruto asked narrowing his eyes at his rival. “Nothing dobe,” he said and continued to walk. ‘She’s still only talking to Naruto? Why not me and Sakura? Or even Kakashi-sensei?’ he thought.

Up ahead they spotted their usual bridge and waited. Waited. Waited, “Yo,” a deep voice called. “YOU’RE LATE!!” Sakura and Naruto yelled. “Sorry, I got lost in the path—,” “LIAR!” both shouted. The silver haired man chuckled and looked around, “Neh, where’s Okami?” he asked. “She’s on another mission,” Naruto answered. “Eh? Mission without her team?” the man asked. “Hey, hey, Kakashi-sensei! Okami-chan said that she will be here late!” Naruto said as he remembered important information. The man, Kakashi, sighed, “I guess it can’t be helped,” he murmured. “Anyways, we have missions,” Kakashi said and led his team towards their first mission of the day.

“Argh, why do we still have to do these stupid baby missions,” Naruto complained for the umpteenth time. Team Seven had done most of their mission and now they are their last one when a figure appeared. Her raven hair was long and silky, her midnight blue eyes dull and empty, pale skin and her hitai-ate around her neck. She walked towards their sensei causing him to look up from his book, “Oh, Okami—you’re late,” he casually said. Naruto stopped on what he was doing and grinned, “Okami-chan!” he happily said and run over towards her. Naruto hugged the girl, Okami, while she only patted his head, “It’s good to see you too, Naruto-kun,” she whispered. Naruto grinned at her and let her go, “Okami-chan, where were you?” he asked her. Okami sighed heavily and leaned against the tree, “Missions,” she whispered.

Kakashi placed a hand on her shoulder and tilt her head, “You’re bleeding. Did you just came in?” he asked. Sakura gasp while Naruto and Sasuke were shocked by the news. Okami weakly nodded her head, “Yeah,” she whispered. Kakashi carried her in his arms, “Well, finish the mission while I take Okami to the hospital,” he said and vanished.

“Okami—what mission did you go on?” Kakashi asked once he reappeared in front of the hospital.

“And here we are, you questioning me about my mission,” Okami whispered. “Wait—you’re telling me that you have no clue what happen?” Kakashi asked surprised. Okami gave him a look, “You never asked about my mission—you said what the last thing I remembered is, so I told you the last thing I remembered,” Okami said earning a few chuckles while Kakashi sweat dropped. “So what happened on your mission?” an old man wearing the traditional Hokage robes asked. “Lord Hokage,” She murmured. The man, Hokage, smiled warmly at her, “The mission Okami,” he said.

“Okami, I need you to go raid one of Orochimaru’s lair near the Amegakure,” The Hokage said. Okami bowed in front of the man and took the scroll, “You won’t be needing a team, I want you to gather as much as information as possible. Maybe something on attacks on Konohagakure,” Hokage said. “Hai, Lord Hokage,” Okami whispered. “You leave the village early in the morning tomorrow, you are dismissed,” he said. Okami bowed once more before vanishing. She appeared in her home and stuffed the mission scroll in her pouch before leaving her house once again. “Okami-chan!” a hyperactive voice shouted. Turning around Okami spotted her blonde idiot. “Naruto-kun,” she whispered.

“Kakashi-sensei wants us at the bridge for our missions tomorrow at 6!” he said. Okami shakes her head, “I can’t Naruto-kun, Hokage-sama gave me another mission on my own with another team,” she somewhat lied. “Really?! Oh man Okami-chan, you’re getting the pretty cool missions!” he whined. Okami smiled at him and patted his head, “Don’t worry Naruto-kun, maybe I can talk to the Hokage on letting our team get better missions,” She whispered. “Really?!” he asked happily and tackled his friend into a hug. Okami chuckled lowly and patted his head once again, “I have to go and get ready, bye” she whispered and vanished.

Arriving the next morning, Okami left the village and headed towards the Amegakure. Jumping from tree to tree and as she got closer towards the hideout she maneuvered her way out of traps set for intruders. ‘Careful, three guards towards you left, one is hiding under ground, one in a tree and other open sight,’ Jubi contacted her. Okami nodded her head and easily masked her chakra and crouched low in a high branch. Okami watched silently and carefully; taking out a scroll Okami quickly wrote down a message and summoned her rarest bird, ‘Take this back to the Hokage, don’t let anyone see you,’ she thought. The bird nodded and morphed into the trees as it quickly flew away. Okami glanced back at the three guards guarding the entrance to the base, “Ninja Art: Jubi no Genjutsu,” Okami whispered and did the correct hand seals.

The three guards were easily caught; in their eyes everything was running normal and smooth, but in Okami’s, her vision was everything was moving in slow motion. Moving quickly Okami entered the base undetected and followed a familiar chakra trail towards a door. Inside the door Okami easily spotted Orochimaru looming over a person on the table while Kabuto (slowly) handed him a syringe with a weird yellow liquid inside. Shaking her head Okami closes the door and walks away. ‘Up ahead, three doors down to your right,’ Jubi said. ‘Arigato,’ Okami said and followed his directions. Okami found Orochimaru’s office and copied everything he has down on her blanked scrolls and with that she left the base and released her Genjutsu.

‘Hurry kid, they found out that they were raided and are now after the person,’ Jubi said. Okami picked up the pace a bit more when she felt a burning sensation.  Looking down she spotted a kunai embedded below her rib cage, “There she goes!” they shouted. Okami turned around, “Ninja Art: Demonic Fire,” she whispered and exhaled. Lava and fire well mixed together shot out with quick speed heading towards the enemy. Okami quickly vanished with the sounds of agony yells from the Oto Shinobi. ‘Hurry back to the village Kid, you’re losing too much blood,’ Gobi said. ‘Well, might as well practice that technique from Minato,’ Okami thought and quickly used the Flying Thunder God Technique and arrived a few hours away from the village gates.

She was quietly panting as she walked towards her team mates’ chakra trails. “Oh, Okami—you’re late,” she heard her Sensei casually say. “Okami-chan!” she heard her over active blonde happily said and run over towards her. Naruto hugged her while she only patted his head, “It’s good to see you too, Naruto-kun,” she whispered. Naruto grinned at her and let her go, “Okami-chan, where were you?” he asked her. Okami sighed heavily and leaned against the tree, “Missions,” she whispered.

Kakashi placed a hand on her shoulder and tilt her head, “You’re bleeding. Did you just came in?” he asked. Sakura gasp while Naruto and Sasuke were shocked by the news. Okami weakly nodded her head, “Yeah,” she whispered. Kakashi carried her in his arms, “Well, finish the mission while I take Okami to the hospital,” he said and vanished.

“What did you found out?” Hokage asked. Okami reached into her pouch and pulled out several scrolls, “Everything is in here Lord Hokage,” Okami whispered. Hokage nodded his head and took all the scrolls, “You did well Okami-chan, now you rest,” Hokage said and left the hospital. Kakashi stayed with her, “How did you escape from them so quickly?” Kakashi asked. Okami tilt her head to the side, “I have dreams—more like visions—where Namikaze Minato appears in them and teaches me his jutsus,” Okami whispered. “Wait—Minato-sensei, taught you a jutsu in your dreams?” he asked shocked. Okami nods her head, “Hai, hai, he taught me the Flying Thunder God Technique,” Okami murmured.

“Oh before I forget, he said: ‘Those who stray from the path of justice have no courage, but under the wing of a strong leader, cowardice cannot survive,’ he wanted me to tell you that,” Okami whispered. Kakashi was shocked but soon felt at eased and smiled warmly at Okami, “Arigato,” he whispered. He closed his eye and whispered ‘Arigato’ again and again. 

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