Chapter Nine

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I nodded my head, ‘I hope this works,’ I thought. ‘It will,’ Fuzen commented.

|Trouble has begun|

‘Faster Child, Ichibi is in danger,’ Jubi hissed. ‘I’m going as fast I can damn it! The one time I accept a fucking mission to the Land of Tea and this shit happens!’ Okami shouted in her mind. ‘Remember—Sasori dies before Gaara,’ Jubi said. ‘I know I know, that’s why I send a clone to Sakura,’ Okami said as she was rushing towards the Akatsuki hide out. She was on her way to save Gaara with the others—but only she had a different mission.

She picked up her speed when she saw the opening of the hide out. As she entered the base she came to a stop to see Gai’s team, Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, the Suna siblings and Sasori’s grandmother standing around the base glaring at the Akatsuki. Sasori was with them as well, “I see you lived,” Okami commented scaring half of the base in fright. “Okami!” her blonde friend shouted in pure happiness. Sakura glared at Okami, “THAT’S BECAUSE YOU SAVED HIM!!” she shouted and was about to rush towards Okami with a kunai knife when Grandmother Chiyo stopped her. “Okami?” they all asked. Okami wasn’t paying attention—she was watching the Akatsuki with an emotionless façade.

‘Damn it! I told her to fight against us!’ Madara shouted in his mind. “Can we have Gaara back—alive and intact with the beast?” Okami asked. Everyone gasped at this and snapped their heads back at the Akatsuki only to see Deidara smirking at them. “Yeah, right, un. And let that work go to waste, yeah,” he said. Okami glared at him causing him to stumble back a bit. “Give us back Gaara,” she growled her collar started to shock her. ‘Child calm down—we need you to be calm before it happens,’ Jubi commented. Okami breathed heavily and calm herself down a bit, “Just give Gaara back,” she said. “You are too late for that, yeah,” Deidara smirked and they all started to extract. “Over my dead body,” Okami growled and quickly ran in between Gaara and the Akatsuki, “Okami don’t!!” everyone shouted as she started to do hand seals. “Sealing Jutsu: Shukaku no Okami!!” she shouted.

Everyone was shock; “Okami!!” Naruto shouted when he heard her scream in pain. “DAMN IT!! THIS HURTS!!” Okami shouted. Nagato and Madara both became concern for her; ‘Okami, what have you done? I didn’t mean this!!’ Madara shouted in his mind. 

“Gomen,” She murmured at everyone. Naruto stared at her with widen eyes, ‘Hurry up Ichibi,’ Jubi growled. ‘Almost done,’ Ichibi said. “Okami,” Naruto whispered as more tears rolled down his face. Okami shouted in pure agony causing the others to cover their ears in pure sympathy, “Okami-chan!!” Naruto shouted as he tried to reach her but was caught by Kakashi. “NO DON’T NARUTO!!” he shouted. “WE GOT TO HELP HER!!” he shouted back. “WE CAN’T SAVE HER!!” Kakashi shouted causing everyone to stare at their fallen comrade, yelling out for help. “DAMN IT!!” Okami shouted. ‘Done,’ Ichibi said. 

A bright light blinded everyone and filled the base with light; as it dimmed there lay Okami, motionless. The Akatsuki left the base while the rest of the leaf ninjas rushed towards the motionless body, “Okami!” Naruto shouted. Gaara, who woken up a few minutes before, moved quickly before him and held her in his arms, “Okami,” he called. “Okami wake up,” Gaara said. “Okami wake up.”

|Uchiha Sasuke|

I stumbled backwards as my heart wrenched in agony, “Sasuke—what’s wrong?” Jugo asked me. I grasped my chest in pain as I concentrated. ‘Okami,’ it said. My heart aches even more with the sound of her name. ‘Did something happen to her?’ I asked myself. ‘She’s—dead,’ the voice whispered. I sat up from the ground and started to rush back to Konoha. “Wait, Sasuke!!” I heard the group shout behind me. “Where are you going, Sasuke?!” I heard Karin shout. “Back to Konoha—Okami—she’s—,” I trailed off. I was dodging low tree branches and shrubs as I headed back to the village. ‘I shouldn’t have left her—I shouldn’t have let her leave me,’ I thought.

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