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Hey guys it's Zaria here.

I love how many of you chose to read this book but I am sorry to say that I've decided to take this book down for a while. It's going to be back I swear so don't worry about that.

The reason I've made this decision is because I don't really like how I started the book and I feel like the flow of the story isn't right. For example I had planned that Ezra and Rikayne developed a friendship before they fell for each other but I feel as though I haven't executed that well in the story. Also I wanted the story to have more insight on Ezra and his Father's relationship as well as his relationship with his mom and sister but I don't think that went as I planned.

Basically what I'm tryna say is that when I take down the book, I'm going to start it again, revamp it as much as possible and get it to be somewhere I'm happy with. It was the fact that I was almost reaching the goal of chapters I had set for the book and nothing I planned was happening in my view.

So I'm sorry to disappoint but I promise the book will be back and it will hopefully be better. Don't worry I'll try to keep somethings from the story the same.

I hope you guys understand.

Happy reading,

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