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Chapter 1: Weak

Ezra Rivera

Trying hard not to wince as the heavy foot kicks into my abdomen, repeatedly meeting my gut harshly leaving no room for me to breathe. After a few more kicks, they stop but I don't relax knowing very well he's not done with the torture. This has been going on for years and until now I still don't comprehend why I get such punishments.

Today it was because I, foolishly thought that I could leave this world with the help of a handful of diphenhydramine.

Silly me.

Now I get punished. It's quite poetic really, he rushed me to the hospital, they treated me whilst praising him for bringing me in on time.

What a great father he is, if only they knew.

I felt him grab the back of my neck and lifted me off the ground to a standing position, his hand moved to my hair and he tugged it roughly making me look straight at his repulsive face. The cold blue eyes we unfortunately share, looking back at me, a sneer marring his facial features.

"You thought you could leave huh?" He snarled, "thought it was that easy," his voice calm not once yelling.

"You thought you could try your luck with death? What a foolish thought boy," he spat, saliva landing on my cheek. I stayed silent knowing better not to answer.

"You're not dying you hear me," he said after a beat of silence "not until I kill you myself" he finished off harshly messing up my hair.

"So get cleaned and go out and buy groceries," he spoke, throwing me to the floor. I land in the corner of the room my head hitting the wall hard. Once I see him walk out the front door with my blurring vision, I let out the groan of pain I had been holding back since my crash to the floor.

Taking a few moments to catch my breath, "that wasn't as bad as you expected Ez," I muttered to myself. After a few minutes of sitting against the wall by myself, I slowly get up heading to the bathroom remembering his last words before he left, most likely to some bar.

Urgh I still have homework to do.



I entered the store and bought everything on the list I made at home;
•chicken. •eggs. •fruit •meat. •beans.
•vegetables •potatoes •onions. •juice •rice •tomatoes •milk

As I'm walking through the aisles, I pause in the cereal aisle. It's not on the list but would it hurt to get some. I count the money he left and realize I have a bit left over and I could spend on the cereal but he'd have counted how much change would be left as it'd be used to fund his drug addiction.

I shake my head and walk away, I'm not about to get beat twice in one day.

I make my way to the cash register after making sure I've gotten everything on the list. The girl at the counter seemed to recognize me as she perks up at the sight of me, beaming at me she speaks "Ezra! Hi!" Her voice a little squeaky as she waves enthusiastically in my direction.

I grunt in response and place everything on the table so she can ring it up. My grunt didn't discourage her as she goes on to talk about school and other nonsense. Not in the mood to deal with this useless chitchat, I paid as soon as possible and quickly left the building.

When I got home, father was passed out on the couch with the coffee table having some remnants of the drug he was inhaling. I sighed tired of the countless times I have to do this, putting the groceries away in the kitchen, I move to clear the living room leaving the table as it is.

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