Chapter 2

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(Bakugou's POV)

I was walking home slowly enjoying the shade of the trees. It was slightly warmer then room temperature today so the shade felt nice.

I soon got to my house and unlocked the door. I was greeted by them smell of my moms special spicy chocolate chip cookies. "Oh Suki, you back! I made you your favorite cookies to celebrate your first day at UA. My daughter is going to be the best hero ever!" She said in a happy and cheerful tone. I felt happy that she was so proud of me but that was soon forgotten when she called me her daughter.

I walked over and ate one of the cookies. There tasted as great as always. "Thanks" I said quietly. "Why do you wear the boys uniform Suki? I know your a tomboy but people are gonna mistake you for a boy if you keep wearing it. Also how will you attract any boys like that?" My mom questioned. I looked at her like she is stupid (because anyone who is transphobic is) and said "Cuz I'm a guy".

Her face contorted with rage and she looked like she wanted to punch me. She then breathed in slowly trying to calm herself down. She finally managed to calm herself down. "Suki this is just a phase. Someday you will be the female top hero and a happy mother". I set the cookies on the table. "I'm not hungry anymore" I said before walking up the stairs to my room.

I sat down on my bed and started crying. Within a few minutes I was full on sobbing. I realized I had been pulling my hair and I listened my grip. I was just sniffling by now and I looked at my hand. It had a couple blond strands of hair on it that i guess I pulled out.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself. My eyes were puffy and I had dried snot and tears all over my face. I splashed some freezing cold water on my face and cleaned myself up.

I got into the shower. I turned the heat up to the highest it could go. It burned my skin but felt good in a way.  I started thinking about Kirishima. What would he think if he found out? Would he hate me? Would he stop associating with me? He didn't seem like the type of person to bully people but you never know. The rational part is me started thinking again. He seemed chill with lgbt+ so it should be fine. But some people only support lgb and hate the t. Some people even hate the b!?!? (Definitely "not" ranting about how except lesbians and gays but not bisexuals. I hate biphobia. Or any hate to my lgbt+ fam because of their gender or sexuality.)

I got out of the shower and put on a sports bra. I threw on a baggy t shirt and some sweatpants before plopping onto my bed. I put my hand up in the air and stared at it. I hated how it looked delicate and feminine.

I got up and looked into the mirror. Even with the baggy clothes I could still see my boobs and feminine hips. I turned away from my reflection and looked at my desk. I saw a simple brown leather notebook that was my diary. Or journal. Call it what ever you want but it's like a little affordable therapist. I opened it up and started writing what came to mind.

I just want to be free
To have the weights that pull me down
Become weightless
And fly off me like balloons
Away from me
Why am I different
Why was I born pink
But feel blue
My head is always blue
The color fills my brain
In more ways then one

Thanks for reading this far! I wasn't feeling motivated till someone added me to a reading list so THANK YOU!

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