Chapter 12

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Sorry 'bout not updating for awhile. I have been sorta gettin' my shit together. Anyway, on with da chapter!

I had started on this earlier (last school year╏⁠ ⁠”⁠ ⁠⊚⁠ ͟⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠⊚⁠ ⁠”⁠ ⁠╏ ) and now I'm starting again because of last chapters rant.

Also more kissing and stuff because I don't know

Bakugou's POV

I woke up from my nap to my nap to people yelling downstairs. I looked at the clock which read 4:28 pm so I decided it was time to get up. There was only one problem though.

Kiri was asleep on me.

How could I get up without disturbing him.

I then remembered of how heavy a sleeper he was and just gently replaced myself with a pillow.

My chest was hurting from sleeping in my binder but nothing I can't handle.

I decided to walk down the stairs instead of taking the elevator so I could sneak up on people.

I peaked over into the commons to see Raccoon eyes, Pikachu, and Elbows playing Mario Kart. They were all yelling at each other about getting cut off or someone throwing a banana peel. (I'm in my English class right now and don't know if I spelled peel right lmao)

I walked up behind them without them noticing and when I was right behind them I yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP I CAN HEAR YOU FROM MY ROOM".

This scared the shit outta them and the look on their faces was hilarious. I then walked over to the kitchen to get a snack like nothing happened.

I then went back up to my room and Kirishima was still sleeping. I carefully sat down next to him and ran my fingers through his hair. A small smile adorning my face.

He adorably leaned his head into my hand in his sleep which made me chuckle. We stayed like that for a while. Him sleeping. Me playing with his hair.

At some point he woke up and we just stayed there.

At about 6 or so we silently agreed to get some dinner. We went down to the kitchen after Kirishima put his hair up.

I don't get his logic. He gelled up his hair at 6 pm and he'll have to wash it out in a few hours. It's just a waste of time. It also feels nicer when it isn't gelled.

I made some ramen for us and we ate in a comfortable silence. Thankfully non of the extras were there which made me wonder where they were.

After we finished we went to Kiri's room this time. When the door closed Kiri pushed me against the door and kissed me. It was fast paced and needy but also loving.

I ran my hands up into his hair and pulled him closer. The hair gel making it harder to run my hands through.

He licked my lip, asking for entrance, but this time I kept my lips closed.

Swiftly, I switched our positions so he was pressed against the door.

I stopped kissing him for a second and looked into his eyes. They were half-lidded and he had on is signature doppy smile. He nodded for me to continue and that's all it took.

In seconds my tongue was in his mouth. Slightly getting cut by his sharp teeth. I picked him up, his legs instantly wrapping around my hips, and carried him to the soft bed.

My hand was resting on the small of his back under his shirt. My other one behind his head. At one point we stopped and just breathed heavily while looking into each other's eyes.

"You're the most beautiful boy I've ever met" I said, face flushed.

He smiled and kissed my nose before saying "And you're the manliest man I've ever met" and smiled at me.

Seeing a place for a joke I shielded my eyes and said "it's too bright Kiri! You're gonna blind me".

This earned a bout of laughter from him which got me smiling like an idiot.

It's short but I'll try to do more regular updates. I've got a headache so might update tomorrow? Also what's ur opinion on the lime? I'll add more or less depending on people's opinions.

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