Chapter 11

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This chapter is brought to you by me being bored at lunch (i have no friends :(

Also this chapter will feature some actual kissy-kiss stuff so be warned.

Kiri's POV

We ate some snacks instead of breakfast. It was delicious but definitely not healthy. The rest of the morning was us playing minecraft on Bakubabe's tv.

At some point I had stopped playing and was just resting my head on his shoulder while he built something in creative mode. I was resting comfortably when my stomach decided to rumble loudly.

At that point I noticed that I was very hungry. Perhaps snacks aren't a very filling breakfast.

Bakugou paused his game and turned to me. "Are you hungry?" He asks, well, more demands.

"Who ever told you I was hungry? I'm not that hungry. I'm too comfortable to move anyway" I say. Bakugou gives me a questioning look before getting up.

I was using him to support my weight so him standing up caused me to fall over. Bakugou looked down at me so I made grabby hands at him.

He sighed before picking me up and giving me a piggyback ride. It was short lived because he needed his hands to open the door.

I decided to just walk after that. I didn't want to bother him to much.

We walked into the commons and Katsuki started looking around the fridge.

"Katsudon or ramen?" He asked.

After much deliberation I responded.

"I think we should have kastudon"

He just nodded and started taking out the ingredients. I sat on a chair while I watched him cook. Knowing him you would think that he would be yelling to the food the entire time but he was strangely calm while cooking.

Sometimes he would mutter something about a time or about how much of something he needed but other then that the only sound was things getting cut on the cutting board.

In about 40 minutes (I'm a baker I don't know how long it takes to COOK thing) the katsudon was done. He placed a bowl in front of me and one in front of him.

He then proceeded to pour like half a bottle of hot sauce into his bowl.

"I don't think you have enough" I commented sarcastically. He thought about it for a minute before tasting it and saying "you're right" and pouring even more hot sauce in.

I stared at him in awe and then he smirked at me. "Wanna try some?" he challenged.

I quickly agreed and took a spoonful of the soup. Let's just say the outcome of that resulted in milk getting spilled all over the counter and me ducking on several ice cubes.

"Wur swo manly bakhugo" I said with my mouth still full of ice.

"Don't speak with your mouth full Kiri" Katsuki scolded.

I spit all the ice into the sink before exclaiming "you said my actual name instead of shitty hair!". He just huffed at that.

"So what where you trying to say earlier?" He asked.

"Oh, I was saying how manly you are for eating something so hot. Especially so much of it" I explained.

"There is something else that is hot that I would just eat up" he said looking at me lustfully.

His cheeks became cherry red and he seemed to regret saying that. But that gave me an idea.

Bakuhoe's POV

Kiri came up to me and gently pushed me up against the wall. His hot breath was in my ear and I was blushing like mad.

He looked me in the eyes before looking down at my lips.

"Can I-" I cut him off by shoving my mouth onto his. He immediately took control of it and we fought for dominance before I let him have it.

His hand slowly reached down to my butt while my hands found their home in his hair.

We soon broke for air and I breathed out heavily "let's do this in my room". He nodded and took my hand and walked towards my room.

This was taking to long for me so I tugged him along into a run.

I slammed the door and right as I locked it we continued.

At some point we had decided to stop and turned it into cuddles. I was cuddling into Kiri's abs/chest with my arms pulling him closer to me while he was messing with my hair.

Our legs were tangled up in a complicated web. I smiled in happiness while cuddling closer to him.

This is one of my longest chapters in this story so yay! You can bribe another chapter out of me with complements. -one of your favorite disaster bisexual (Denki, Yachi, and Nishinoya are my faves)

You know what, comment your favorite disaster bisexuals here. I wanna see your favorites :)

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