The Heart Stops Beating

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Chapter Twenty-Six

WARNING: the following chapter contains murder, detailed description of murder, mutilation, etc. Please don't read this if you're sensitive to this kind of stuff. You shouldn't have done that. Reading my Mature rated book if you're so sensitive. You didn't heed my warning, youngling. u.u

[ your pov ]

"E-excuse me?" Diana stepped back one, I stepped forward one.
"You heard me," I smiled, finished cleaning off my switchblade, then pointed it towards her.
"C-c-c-careful! You'll hurt someone!" She shrieked. I cackled manically.
"That's the point." I rolled my eyes. Was she really this fucking stupid?

She quivered in fear, not noticing the incoming blade I had thrown at her hand.
"AHHH!" She screamed, blood instantly oozing from her hand.
I sprinted towards her and pulled the blade out, making Diana scream more. I laughed in her face as she whimpered.
I shoved her with my foot and she lay helpless on the ground.
"What am I going to do with you?" I said, tapping my free hand's fingers on my chin.

So many ways could she die. I could shove cicadas down her throat (yeah, don't ask why you can do that, it creeps even me out. Maybe I'll tell you all in the comments.), or possibly cut her head off? I could drag her by her hair to a building and fling her off of it, but then what do I do with my blade? I could skin her, then rip her intestines out. Maybe I was able to rip her to shreds, when she would be nothing but skin tissue.

I shrugged off my brainstorming for a moment and went along with whatever my hands automatically decided to do. I inched closer and closer to Diana as she whimpered in fear. I chuckled darkly as I was a foot away from her.
"Please don't," she said in a raspy voice. "I have so much to live for..."
I replied angrily, "And you thought I didn't?"

I was face-to-face with her. She trembled as I slid the blade down her cheek. It left a thin red line. Diana was already crying.

I almost felt bad for her.


"I think I should gouge out your eyes last, Di," I gently spoke in her ear, "So you can watch the whole thing."
She let out a cry, "!" Her lip quivered.
I shrugged, "You had this comin', sweetheart."

Diana wore the sluttiest clothes ever, even during the winter, or a cold rainy day. She wore booty shorts, black leggings underneath and Uggs. I ripped off her jacket only to reveal she had been wearing a crop top. Typical.

I started with her legs, like the second man I had killed. I didn't use my blade just yet.

Using my brute strength, I twisted Diana's leg (from the knee and down) in multiple directions. She screeched, and for one thing, it annoyed me.

And that was saying something.

"As much fun I am having, Diana, I'm going to politely ask you to shut the fuck up."
She glowered at me, "No way in hell!" She started screaming help, and it had enraged me.
I grabbed Diana's cheeks and pressed them together. Her tongue eventually poked out from her mouth.
"Let's get rid of this useless thing," I smirked. "It doesn't have a purpose."
I heard muffled "no"'s coming from her mouth and I had rolled my eyes.
I brought out a different blade. It was just a simple kitchen knife. I slowly brought the knife to her tongue, and she had tried to run or push me away. I laughed a quiet laugh as I heard her muffled screams. As soon as the knife touched the pink, slimy flesh (are tongues considered flesh?) had moved itself to the knife. Tears fell from Diana's eyes as I slowly cut her tongue off. The blood oozed from her mouth as I finished, squishing the now removed tongue. "Gross," I sneered, "How many cocks did you suck with this?" I tossed her tongue to the side.
I tossed the kitchen knife beside me and beside my switchblade. I continued to twist and bend her legs in numerous ways. Some ways might even seem physically impossible. Some ways even brought bone out.

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