8 | 9th' identity

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"Kenapa kamu nak jumpa saya? Tapi sebelum tu, kamu jangan nak berdalih ya? Saya tahu pertemuan kali ni kamu betul-betul kamu mahu berjumpa dengan saya. "

Tegur Doktor Lee sembari meletakkan dulang berisi dua cawan teh di atas meja di antara mereka. Kelibat Jihyun yang duduk bersilang kaki di sofa lagi satu hanya tertawa kecil.

kalau masih pening, jihyun adalah watak split taehyung juga. ke perwatakannya cuma jihyun seperti seorang wanita lemah lembut dan sopan. tetapi tubuh badannya masih lagi taehyung.

"Iya, pertemuan kali ni betul-betul saya nak jumpa doktor. Urgent. " jawab Jihyun.

"Saya tak rasa benda yang kamu mahu tanya saya ini penting. Tetapi bagi kamu mesti penting bagi kamu bukan? " Jihyun hanya meleretkan segaris senyuman kecil. Membalas dengan mengiyakan kata-kata dari doktornya.

"Macam ini lah, I believe that I went over this incident with you to fast although you and you said you were fine and the others identities i meet you said it was fine. "

"I believe that this brought up issues from when you were a child and abused sometimes another incident of abuse can caund suppresed personalities. "

"Jungkook if this is you, completely understand why you felt the need to take a over and protect the others. "

Wanita berusia itu menangkap riak wajah Jihyun yang berubah. Dia tahu dihadapannya ini bukanlah Jihyun tetapi Jungkook. Ya, Jungkook cuba menyamar menjadi Jihyun.

"Again, Ms Lee, it's Jihyun. " wanita tua itu menggeleng.

"Macam mana saya nak percaya. Jihyun yang saya kenal it's very polite. And you Jungkook you identity is cold, clean freak and you have OCD disorder. " Jungkook tertawa kecil. Dia cuba berdalih dengan menggeleng kepala.

"It's okey. Yang lain beritahu saya, that you and Jihyun told the group about this beast and I told them that these are just scary stories that Jungkook and Jihyun tell the others to scare them... "

"How the beast can crowl on Wow... like the best rock climbing using slightest friction and imprecfenction to hold his body close to seemingly shear surface hoe to skin is thick and tought like the hide of a rhinoceros. "

"Do you believe this stories about the Beast Jungkook? " Jungkook diam tidak membalas apa-apa. Dia hanya melempar senyuman palsu.

"If this is you Jungkook. Saya percaya kenapa Taehyung perlukan kamu. You are strong and discipline. "

"You are precies and you will not be taken advantage of you can trust me. For example i do have to ability to use Taehyung full name and bring him forward, As he has in the past. "

"Saya tak akan buat macam tu. I don't want to hurt any of you way you don't have to hide. I know you are someone who cares of Taehyung. "

"You are not evil to me, you were necessary. "

Kata-kata dari wanita itu membuatkan wajah yang berpura-pura lembut kini berubah kepada dingin. Wanita itu tahu yang kini identiti lelaki itu sudah dipamerkan. Iaitu Jungkook.

"Jungkook, is that you... "

Dia yang duduk menyilang kaki kini membetulkan kedudukan. Kedua tangannya disilang ke dada. Wajahnya juga berubah dingin dan tajam tanpa secalit senyuman.

"I keep calling us the horde. The others you know Ms Lee and I we ridiculed. We're not perfect, we don't deserve to be ridiculed. We're all struggling. They have to admit that. " tuturnya dengan suara dalam.

Wanita itu terdiam dan dalam tidak percaya. Identiti yang selama ini dia mahu bertemu dan berbicara dengannya kini muncul berterus-terang.

"I'm pleaseed to meet you Jungkook. I assume you don't know who emailed me for thr emergency sessions. "

"Yeah we have taken charge we're the only ones that can protect Taehyung. " potong Jungkook dengan nada dalam.

"We're all here to protect Taehyung. " Jungkook mengeluh perlahan.

"He's very quick, he's don't know how to powerful we can be. " potong Jungkook lagi sekali. Kata-katanya lebih kepada tertuju kepada identiti dirinya yang terakhir.

"Would you mind telling me when you first came into existence and how you and Jihyun the other undersirable identity became aligned? That's okey. Do you still have strong belief depans on what this stories of the beast, Jungkook? "

Diam. Jungkook tidak membalas. Dia hanya menatap wanita dihadapan dingin.

"Right. You never meet the beast because he doesn't reside with rest of you because he's resides in train yard. As the story goes because Taehyung's dad left on the train but the fact is you and Jihyun have never meet the beast have you. "


"That's because he's not the altar. He's the not the 9th identity. He's just fantasy, Jungkook. "

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