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It was raining outside but I had to get to the safety of my house. I crawled to the back door of the diner and slowly opened it hoping no one would notice. I looked back and saw the men still holding a gun to the owner and his wife. One of the men looked up and made eye contact with me. He smirked and that was all I needed to run out the door and find my way home. As I was running, I heard two gunshots and my eyes filled up with tears as I knew I would never see Dave and Mary again.

Her life always seemed to be perfect. She had two loving parents and an older sister who she would do anything for. She worked at a small diner down the street from her house called Dave's. She loved everything about her life until one night destroyed everything.

His life was always a mess. His mother was murdered when he was seven years old. After that his father raised him to be ruthless. The first time he killed someone he was only ten years old. He found his mother's killer and went to his diner to get revenge. At the diner he saw a beautiful girl trying to run. He knew she would be his one way or another. It was only a matter of time.

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