Chapter 6

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Eliza Pov-

The hotel bed was so soft I never wanted to wake up. My head hurt a lot so I tried moving my hands and to my surprise my right one wouldn't budge. I opened my eyes quickly as I remembered the events that happened last night.

The bed had black sheets and my right hand was handcuffed to the bedpost. The room was huge and there were two doors across the bed which I'm guessing are the bathroom and closet. To my right there was another door which probably leads to the hallway. There was a big window on my left and the sun was rising which meant it was early morning.

I started pulling at the handcuff which made a loud noise and I started to hear shuffling outside the door. I stopped pulling at it as soon as the door creaked opened and pretended I was asleep.

I heard footsteps slowly walk towards me and stop right in front of the bed. A low chuckle sounded through the room and a involuntary shiver ran down my body.

"Darling do you really think I'd believe you were asleep after my guards heard you pulling at the handcuffs?"

My eyes slowly opened and I gasped as the man from the diner was so close to my face.

"W..what you w..want f..from me?" I tried to say without stuttering but failed miserably.

He leaned down and pulled a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. "Baby, I want you." I gasped and tried to back away but he grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"No please i don't want this! I just want to go back to my family. I promise I won't say anything to anyone." I looked up at him and he smirked down at me.

"That's not how it's going to work darling. You will be my woman and we will get married and start a family soon." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. He reached up to my handcuff and unlocked it. I brought my hand down cradling it to my body. I backed away from him and my eyes held nothing but hatred.

"I will never be married to a murderer and you can forget about having a family with me." I said with a new found confidence.

He chuckled and grabbed my face. "It doesn't matter what you want or what you think is going to happen. One way or another you will marry me and for your sake I hope you decide not to fight it. Cause baby the consequences will not be good if you fight it." He let go of my face and walked to the door.

He stopped and looked back at me. "Your clothes are in the bathroom, hurry and take a shower. I will have a maid bring up breakfast for you. And we can go to the mall to get you more clothes." With that he left the room and to my dismay I heard the lock click meaning I wouldn't be able to escape.

I walked to the bathroom and found my bags from the hotel next to the sink. I opened it up and got clothes ready for after the shower. I turned the shower on and let it get hot. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the scolding water. I loved taking hot showers but right now I just needed to relax.

I don't know how long I took but by the time I was done and went through my morning routine there was breakfast sitting on the nightstand. There were eggs, bacon, and orange juice. I happily ate the bacon and eggs but left the orange juice untouched.

I heard the door unlock and the same guy from earlier walked in smiling until he saw my plate. "Why didn't you drink your orange juice?"

"I don't like orange juice." He looked at me like he was trying to figure me out.

"Stop being a child and just drink the orange juice. I will tell them to never give it to you again if you drink it." I looked at him to see if he was lying but he clearly wasn't.

I sighed and drank the whole cup. It was disgusting and I almost threw up but i held it in. He smiled at me when he saw the cup was empty.

"See that wasn't so hard. Now let's go we have to get you plenty of new clothes." He said grabbing my hand and walking towards the door. I yanked my hand back and stopped walking.

"I don't need more clothes the clothes I have in the bathroom are fine." I pointed to the bathroom and made a confused face.

He just laughed and when he realized I wasn't joking his face went to no emotion. "Eliza if you think three outfits will last you very long with me you are wrong. You need more clothes because you will be staying with me forever. Unless you don't want clothes which is fine with me." He smirked and looked me up and down.

I backed away from him remembering that he was forcing me to stay with him and at some point marry him. I've got to escape so maybe this shopping trip will be my chance.

"Ok fine we can go shopping but first I need to know what is your name." I didn't really care about his name I just needed to know so I could have police arrest him when I escape.

"My name is Roman Ceirin and before you know it yours will be Eliza Ceirin." He smirked at me when a look of horror spread on my face. Roman Ceirin was the most feared mafia boss in the country. Why does he want me. He could have any girl he wanted.

He smiled and grabbed my hand which resulted in me trying to pull away again but he just squeezed it more. I started kicking at him and screaming to let me go. He picked me up and threw me on his shoulders. He walked out of the room with me screaming and trying to get off his shoulder.

"Let me go you murderer. I will never marry you and if you think I won't try to escape you're wrong because I'll never stop trying." I said punching his back.

He laughed and walked through the house and out to the car. Once he reached the car he threw me in the passenger seat and buckled me in. He quickly ran over to his side and started the car. I tried to open the door but it was already locked.

"If you really think you can escape you're mistaken. I have men watching and surrounding us at all times. And if you do happen to escape once I catch you I'll give you less time to adjust before we get married." He said with a straight face.

"What do you mean adjust?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking about giving you three months to get to know me and get used to this life. If you try to escape or do escape and get caught I will shorten that time." I shivered in fear. I have to escape but how can I do that if he always has people watching us.

We soon pulled up to a mall and it was time for me to find a way to get away from him today without being caught.

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