Chapter 11

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Roman Pov-

She has not woken up for two days. The doctor said she lost a lot of blood, but she would make it. I've been at her bedside, holding her hand for those two days. I just can't believe she tried to use death as a way to escape our marriage.

"As soon as you wake up and can walk around, we are getting married." I said as I got up and kissed her hand. I walked out of the room to see the doctor at her desk.

"How long is it going to take for her to wake up? She has been sleeping for two days now, and I need her to wake up." I asked the doctor.

"These things take time. She could wake up today, or she could take weeks or months to wake up. Her body was already weak before she cut herself, and with the amount of blood she lost, it could take a while before she wakes up. I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to be patient and wait for her to wake up." After saying this, the doctor and a nurse went into her room to get some samples.

I heard the doctor gasp and ran in to see what was wrong. I gasped too, seeing Eliza's eyes open and her staring at me scared.

I ran over to her and grabbed her hand. "I'm so glad you woke up. I have been waiting to hear your voice again." She backed as far as she could into her bed and tried to take her hand out of mine. I told the doctor and nurse to leave the room and made sure they closed the door before I started talking.

"You know princess trying to escape me by death was a very bad idea. I told you that you could never leave me, but you just don't listen. Until our wedding, I am not going to leave your side." She gasped and tried to take her hand out of mine, but I tightened my hold making her whimper.

"Stop trying to resist me in anyway you can. I am about to be your husband so you need to get used to my touch." She looked horrified and again tried to pull her hand away.

"Can't you see I don't want to marry you! Why do you insist on marrying someone that doesn't even know you and hates you for what you're doing to her. I wish I would have died because then this would all be over and you would finally understand!" She screamed before bursting into tears as I froze at her words. I obviously was not going to let her go but was I really bad enough that she would rather be dead than marry me.

Her heart monitor started beeping and pretty soon doctors and nurses were flooding in the room to see what was wrong. One of them asked me if I would step out of the room so she could calm down which I actually complied with since I needed to calm down.

I stormed off from the west wing to my room leaving a trail of broken vases and holes in the walls behind me. How could she rather be dead than marry me? I know this may be too much for her at the moment but she will realize that this is the best thing that's ever happened to her. I would do anything she wants as long as it's not letting her go.

After spending a few hours in my room thinking about ways to make her like me better, I got one of my maids to bring me flowers for her. I made my way over to the west wing and what I saw shocked me.

Matthew and Theo had finally decided they wanted to meet her and were in the room with her. I didn't mind them meeting her but what made my blood boil was the fact that she was actually laughing with them.

As soon as I walked in the room and she noticed me her smile turned into a frown. Matthew and Theo noticed this and turned around to see what caused her sudden mood change. As soon as they saw me realization made its way onto their faces.

"Roman we were just meeting Eliza officially and talking to her. We will leave now and talk to you later." Matthew said as Theo and him made their way towards the door.

"Oh you don't have to go!" Eliza shouted at them to which they turned around.

"In fact I think you should stay." She said hoping that they might actually listen to her. But once they looked at me they knew that leaving would be the better choice.

"Sorry Eliza. Maybe we can talk another time but we need to leave now." Theo said as he and Matthew left the room.

Eliza sank back into the bed and I made my way over to her side.

"Why did you seem to be so nice and comfortable with them? You were laughing and smiling which is something I haven't seen you do since you've been here." I said grabbing her hand.

She tried pulling her hand away but gave up once she realized it was a lost cause. "Maybe because they didn't kidnap me and haven't been moving up a wedding date that I don't even want every time I do something." She said looking at me making sure she got her point across.

I smiled at her and chuckled. "Oh that reminds me, as soon as you get better we are getting married."

I watched her face drop and decided now was a good time to leave the room before she had anything to say.

Sorry it took so long to update. Unfortunately it may be a while until I update again and I may revise this chapter since I was just trying to get a new one published.

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