Chapter 4

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"Eliza, come on wake up!" I jolted up and looked at my sister and mom who both had smirks on their faces. Both of them were oblivious to my tear stained cheeks. After last night being yelled at to wake up was a little frightening. I thought maybe they were trying get me to run or hide.

"It's time to get ready dear." My mother said looking at her watch. I was a little nervous about graduation tonight, mainly because I was scared the men from last night would come for me. Graduation was at six but i had to be ready and at rehearsal by three.

My mother and sister spent an hour figuring out the dress I should wear. I was never big on fashion so for big events they always picked out my clothes and I would tell them if i did not like something. My sister came over with a dress asking me if I liked it. It was a light blue dress with flowers on it and I loved it. We did my makeup and hair which took about two hours altogether. I got in the dress and put on my favorite butterfly bracelet I got from my grandpa.

"Hannah's coming to pick me up for practice. Do i look good?" I said trying to make sure my hair wasn't sticking out and my shoes matched the dress.

"You look hot." My sister said as she was checking to make sure I looked perfect. "Thank you elle." I said laughing while trying to get to the front door.

Once Elle and my mom got out of the way and approved my look i walked out the front door. Hannah was already waiting for me and honked her horn once she saw me. "Damn girl you look fine. I wouldn't be surprised if the guys in our class drool over you tonight." I blushed and sat down in her car. All the boys in our class normally went for Hannah because of her blonde hair and green eyes. She never paid any attention to them though because she had a major crush on Clayton.

I looked over and saw she was wearing an off the shoulder bright blue dress. Our shool colors were purple, blue, and white so that's what most people were planning on wearing tonight.

"You know hannah there is one boy who I know will be drooling over you tonight." She blushed and turned back to the road.

We soon made it to school and got ready for practice. We went over where everyone was sitting and the sides of the stage we would walk on to and exit. After three long hours of finding our seats and practicing walking and grabbing our diplomas we were finally ready. I was very nervous mainly because I didn't want to see uninvited guests from last night.

We went out of the gym and watched as the bleachers filled up with eager families and friends. I kept searching the crowd trying to make sure that the men still hadn't made an appearance which to my relief they didn't.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are now ready to start the ceremony so please take your seats." Our principal said as she looked back at us and we all started walking in to our seats in the middle. One by one our names got called and we walked up to the staged to get our diplomas.

"Eliza Rose Leclair." I stood up and proudly walked to the stage. Once I got there the principle handed me my diploma and we stood there for a quick picture. I walked of the stage and went back to my seat.

After the final student got her diploma we were done and I found Hannah. My parents came and congratulated me. I told them I was going to stay with hannah tonight which was a lie but i needed to leave the house.

I told hannah to drop me off at a street with several hotels on it so if they did come after me she wouldn't be able to tell them the exact hotel.

I went to the third hotel and walked in. It looked so nice and I didn't know if I would be able to afford it. I looked around for a while and finally found a girl at the check-in desk. "How much is your cheapest room?" I said looking around. I don't even know if I'll be able to afford one week at this hotel.

"$135 for the single interior room." She said not looking up from the computer. I had $2000 so that would be able to last me two weeks.

"Do you take cash?" I said getting out my money. "Yes how many nights are you planning on staying?" She asked while taking the money from my hands. "Fourteen if that is ok."

She activated a card and gave me $110 dollars which was leftover that i would use for lunch or dinner.

"Breakfast is included and breakfast hours are seven to ten. Your room is 310 which will be off the elevator to the right. I hope you enjoy your stay here and there will be number to call my desk if you need anything." She smiled at me and I couldn't help but feel welcome here.

I definitely wouldn't be able to miss breakfast since that might be the only meals I won't have to pay for once I run out of money.

I got to my room and started unpacking my stuff. After an hour of unpacking and watching TV there was a knock at the door.

I went over to it and opened it thinking it was the lady from the front desk coming to tell me something.

My eyes made contact with grey ones that had a look of victory in them.
"Hello darling, did you miss me?"

I tried to close the door but he put his foot in the way. "Please leave me alone." I said as he pushed the door open and started walking towards me. I backed up until my back hit the wall and he smirked knowing I had no where to go. He grabbed a small piece of fabric from his pocket and held it over my mouth. I tried not to breath it in but i was running out of oxygen.

Finally, I took a breath in and let the darkness take over.

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