Chapter 10

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I left Eliza hancuffed to the bed and made my way to the basement. I know she's having a hard time getting used to the idea of marrying me, but she has no choice. The idea of not having her in my life scares me more than the idea of her not liking me at the moment.

Kidnapping her was not the best way to get her to like me, but I had no choice. She had witnessed me murder Dave's wife and kidnap him. She probably would have reported me once she thought I couldn't find her.

Shaking away those thoughts I made my way through the many halls of the basement, and stopped in front of the room that held the man that brought me and my girl together. I opened the door and saw that my men were taking good care of him. He was tied down to a chair and had many deep cuts along his abdomen. His legs look like they've been broken, and he seems to have lost a finger.

I walked towards him, and he finally noticed me. He tensed up and started violently shaking his head.

"Please let me go or kill me. I can't take anymore of this. I know you will always hate me but I never wanted to kill your mother. At that time, I was part of a gang and wanted to leave so I could start a new life with my wife. The only way they would let me leave was to kill her and I have lived with that guilt all my life. I never wanted to but I had no choice." He begged me as I was walking to the table that had many different knives. I picked one up and walked over to him.

"Oh that's rich. You say you had no choice, but clearly you did. And you chose the wrong one. I guess I'll put myself in the same situation as you. I see you still have nine fingers but you don't really need all of them. I guess I have no choice but to take one from you." I chuckled and picked up the sharpest knife on the table.

Dave tense and started trying to move but nothing seemed to help him escape. I grinned at him and slowly made my way toward his right hand.

"Please just kill me! I can't handle anymore." He screamed at me as I was trying to decide which finger to cut off.

"Dave do you want me to cut off your pinky or do you want your hands to match and cut off the index?" I said as I looked at him waiting for a response.

"Are you crazy! I'm not going to pick which finger to lose. Please just kill me!" He said as tears started streaming down his face.

"I can't kill you yet we still have something else to discuss. But it will have to wait until after you lose a finger." I grinned and picked up his hand. I knew he wasn't going to make a choice so I made one for him.

"I hope you don't mind me choosing for you. I decided on the index finger." I said and watched him try to move his hand out of my strong hold. In one swift motion I cut his finger off and was overjoyed by his screams and cries that followed.

"See that choice wasn't so bad. We make choices everyday and sometimes we have to pay for them later on. I am making you pay for them now. But I do have to thank you for one thing." He looked at me confused as I set the knife down and faced him.

"What do you have to thank me for?" He whimpered out too scared to make eye contact.

I chuckled and made him look at me. "For Eliza Leclair. If I had not come to visit you that night, I might never have met my future wife." I said proudly as I watched his eyes widen.

"Please leave her alone she has nothing to do with this. She is a sweet girl and does not belong with someone like you. Please just kill me and let her go she is innocent!" I yanked his face to look up at mine.

"You do not get to decide who she belongs with. Only I do and she belongs with me as my wife and mother of my children. We are getting married next week and maybe you'll still be alive to hear all about it." I let go of his face and walked towards the door turning off the light and heading upstairs to see my girl one last time before going to bed.

I know she is mad at me right now but she will get over it eventually.

As I made my way to her room I noticed the smell of blood getting stronger the closer I got. I picked up my speed and noticed she had managed to get out of the handcuffs. I could hear water running from the bathroom and saw blood mixed with water flooding out from under the door.

"Eliza!" I screamed as I tried to open the bathroom door. It was locked and I managed to break it down after several tries. What I saw next made my heart stop.

Eliza was in the bathtub that's water was still running and her arm had been cut deep. I rushed to her and carefully picked her up out of the bathtub.

I rushed her to the west wing where my doctor is. If she makes it through this I will first take care of her and then punish her for trying to escape me through death. I told her there was no way to escape our marriage and I meant it.

"Eliza you just made this so much harder for yourself." I said as I set her down on the bed and let the doctor takeover.

Sorry it had been a while since I last updated. I have been busy eith classes but I hope this is a good chapter. Also I am sorry if this is too much for some people.

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