Chapter 3

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After I got ready I went over to the new guys booth. "Are you guys ready to order?" I said looking at them expectantly.

The one on the right with blonde hair spoke up. "We would like three burgers with fries and lemonade." He said with a straight face.

The one on the left with brunette hair smiled at me and asked "Is your number on the menu?" I rolled my eyes and walked away. What kind of question is that? Of course it's not. I'm not stupid enough to give my number to a random stranger.

I gave their order to dave who started cooking it and had it done within four minutes. I put it on a tray and walked back to them. I set their food on the tray and looked at them. "Is there anything else I can get you at the moment?"

"Yes, when do you close tonight?" The blonde one said.

I smiled at him. "We close at 9." I hope they don't actually stay that long though. Sure they were nice to look at, but something was off about them and I did not want to find out what that was.

He started eating and I took that as a sign to walk away. As I went back to dave and mary the door opened and the most handsome man came in. He had grey eyes and brown hair. He was tall and the suit he was wearing showed off his muscles perfectly. He was very intimidating and I shivered at the thought of angering him. The whole diner went quiet as he sat down with the other two mysterious men.

We have never seen them before and they seem very dangerous. I ask dave if I can stay in the back for the rest of the night and he agreed. Thankfully I wouldn't have to deal with them again as Rachel agreed to take their table.

The rest of the night went smoothly. Hannah had come in and Clayton just happened to be there so she ate with him and they left about twenty minutes ago.

The men from earlier were still here and I was wondering if they were going to stay till close. We only had thirty minutes left but they scared me and I was worried they would start trouble.

As it came to the end of the shift the men were the only ones left in the diner and I was finishing cleaning the kitchen when I heard a gunshot go off. I got on the ground and peaked around the corner.

Dave was holding his knee while mary was trying to hold his body. She was crying and trying to comfort her husband. The intimidating man from earlier made them both sit and asked them if there was anyone left in the diner.

Rachel and Lena, the other waitresses both left about an hour ago, and jerry the kitchen worker left me to do everything.

Mary shook her head no. "Everyone left already." She said while crying.

The men tied her hands behind her back and did the same to her husband. I looked at the back door which was only ten feet away and saw the rain coming down.

I thought about how I was going to escape. If I stay here there's a chance they'll search the place and find me. If I try to leave and they catch me they will probably kill me. As I was thinking I realized either way they would probably see me but it would be better to escape than not try at all.

It was raining outside but I had to get to the safety of my house. I crawled to the back door of the diner and slowly opened it hoping no one would notice. I looked back and saw the men still holding a gun to the owner and his wife. One of the men looked up and made eye contact with me. He smirked and that was all I needed to run out the door and find my way home. As I was running, I heard two gunshots and my eyes filled up with tears as I knew I would never see Dave and Mary again.

I knew I was in danger because that man will be able to identify me. As i got home I went straight to my room and started packing clothes.

After graduation tomorrow I will leave the house and stay in a hotel. I will not put my family in danger knowing that man will probably come to kill me.

I grabbed the stash of cash I saved up from birthday parties and Christmas. The money should be enough to last me two weeks and if they have not come after me by then, I don't think they're going to.

I went to bed that night struggling with the thought of them coming after me or my family. I can't tell them because then he might kill them too, but if I don't tell them and  disappear they'll be heartbroken.

I have never left my family without communication. I started crying in my bed and I don't know when but I ended up falling asleep with tears streaming down my face.

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