Chapter 1

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I rushed down the stairs trying to put my hair in a ponytail. I had long black hair and bright blue eyes with a brown ring around the center. I got most of my looks from my dad who also had black hair and blue eyes. The only thing I inherited from my mother was her small nose and height. I am only 5'3" while Janelle is 5'9". Janelle is a spitting image of our mom, besides her height. She's beautiful and sometimes I'm shocked that she hasn't dated anyone yet.

Mother was making breakfast while dad and Janelle talked at the table. I walked to the table and sat down.

"Eliza how does it feel to be graduating tomorrow?" Dad asked while pouring everyone orange juice.

"It feels weird, but not as weird as the fact that I'll be going to college in August." I said as mom came over and sat the pancakes down in the middle of the table.

Mom went back and grabbed the bacon and eggs and put them on the table. She sighed and looked at me with pleading eyes.  "Why don't you go to a community College like your sister?"

I looked at dad and elle who already knew what I was going to say. "Mom I want to learn how to be on my own and provide for myself. I can't do that here with you hovering over me." I said as I grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite out of it.

She looked disappointed but I could tell she understood. My whole life my family has taken care of me. My father owned a fancy restaurant that brought in more than enough money for me and my sister to not work our whole lives. I couldn't live with myself knowing I didn't earn any of the money I spent though.

We sat in silence for a moment until I spoke up. "I have to go pick up my cap and gown so Hannah and I can take pictures today." Hannah has been my best friend since she moved to Chicago a few years ago.

"Okay sweetie, don't forget you have work tonight." Mom said excitedly. She was happy I worked at Dave's. The owners live across the street and were the nicest old couple. They let me start working there when I was fifteen and treated me like their granddaughter.

"I know mom. I'll be back by 5 so I can get ready for my shift." I said as I finished the last bite of the pancake and put my plate in the sink.

I went upstairs and grabbed my bag I prepared this morning for today. I heard a car honk and knew Hannah was here. I walked out to her blue ford focus that was a cute starter car and opened the door. "Hey girl I feel like it's been forever since we talked." She said smiling at me.

"You just saw me Wednesday and I called you last night. Anyway how was your morning?" I said as i put my stuff in the back seat.

"It was good. My mom is freaking out about me graduating but she tried to hold back her tears until after I left." Her mom has always been over emotional and seeing her last child graduate was something she wasn't ready for.

We got to the school and picked up our gowns and got ready for pictures. We just wanted to take a few photos for our graduation parties. After we got in our gowns the photographer her mom hired started asking us to pose and smile.

We took pictures at the school, the park, and this cool bridge close to the school. After we were done taking pictures we returned our gowns and hannah drove me back home.

"Thanks for picking me up." I said as i got out of her car.

"Girl, you don't have to thank me." She flipped her long blonde hair and smiled at me.

"I want to. Thanks and try to stop by the diner tonight. Fridays are normally when Clayton stops by." She started blushing and tried to hide her face from me. I smiled and walked into the house.

I got ready for work and went downstairs. "Mom I'm leaving for work." I yelled as I opened the front door. "Okay have fun." I heard her voice come from the kitchen.

I closed the front door and started the three minute walk down the street to the diner. As I was walking I noticed a car I haven't seen before in dave's driveway.

As i got to the diner, I went in through the front door and saw two big guys sitting in the corner booth on their phones.

I walked up to dave and mary and hugged them. "Who are they?" I said  and they immediately knew who I was talking about. "We don't know we've never seen them before." Mary said in a shaky voice.

"Well I'll clock in and then I can go take their order." I said going to the back and dropping off my stuff. We never see new customers unless there's relatives in town so this should be a fun night.

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