Chapter 7

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Eliza Pov-

Roman parked the car and got out to open my door. I tried opening it before he could but the door wouldn't budge. He smirked and opened the door for me.

He held his hand out for me which I pushed away and tried to start walking towards the mall. I felt a large hand wrap around my wrist and yank me back into a muscular body.

"Eliza if you think for a second you have a choice in denying me your wrong. Now hold my hand and we can go inside or I can just carry you inside."

My eyes went wide and he smirked down at me. I grabbed his hand and a victorious smile made its way to his face. We started walking inside and everyone was staring at us. I tried to hide my face but roman wouldn't let me.

I tried to go to my usual stores but roman only let us go to the expensive ones.  When i finally convinced him to let me go to Rue 21 I saw Aaron and tried to get away from Roman. I made eye contact with him and I could tell he knew something was up. Aaron was Clayton's best friend so I knew he had to know i was missing by now. I grabbed a piece of clothing and asked him to open a dressing room for me.

Roman thankfully let me go and Aaron walked back with me.

"Help me." I whispered into his ear as we got to a door.

"He kidnapped me and says I have to marry him. Please call the police or my parents. Aaron please help me and call after I leave." He nodded and walked back out after he opened a room.

Right as I walked into the room another door opened and I recognized the man walking out as one of the bodyguards. My eyes went wide and I closed the door hoping he couldn't hear anything. I stayed in the room for a couple minutes and slowly walked back out.

I put the piece of clothing back and saw the bodyguard talking to Roman. Roman looked at me and I swear I saw him smirk for a second before his face went blank again.

"We're leaving." He said grabbing my hand and not giving me a chance to protest.

I looked back and saw the bodyguard paying Aaron. Roman noticed and put his arm around my waist pushing my body into his.

"You really thought I would let you have a chance at escaping?" He smirked down at me and we continued walking out the mall.

As we came up to the car he made me sit in the passenger seat and I was too scared to try escaping. He locked my door and went around to the driver's side. After he got in and started the car he put his hand on my thigh and I tensed up. I put my hand on his trying to push it away but he gave me a stern look and tightened his grip on my thigh. I cringed and let go of his hand.

After 10 minutes we pulled up to his house which looks more like a mansion. I tried to open the door but yet again it was locked. Roman got out and walked around to my side. I tried climbing to the backseat but he opened my door and grabbed my ankle pulling me back up to the front seat.

Roman picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Let me go you bastard. You can't just kidnap someone and expect them to willingly do whatever you want." I screamed while punching and kicking him.

He started laughing and went into the house. He carried me up the stairs and walked all the way to the bedroom with me fighting him the whole way. He closed the door and locked it and i froze when he tossed me on the bed.

"Please don't do anything to me." I said as I backed up into the headboard. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me down until my back was flat against the bed. He climbed on top of me and grabbed my wrists with  one hand pinning them above my head.

"My guard told me what you did. Aaron's not going to help you especially after we gave him enough money to pay for college." He leaned in and tried to kiss me but i turned my head away. He continued to lean in until he reached the side of my face. I started wiggling under him but he kept kissing down my neck until he hit my sweet spot. He started kissing my neck harshly no doubt trying to give me a hickey.

Tears started streaming down my face but Roman didn't stop until he was satisfied. When he finally pulled away from my neck I knew he left a noticeable mark on me.

He kept staring down at me as I was sobbing trying to free my hands.

"What did I do to make you do this to me? I don't know you so why are you doing this to me?" I cried out as i struggled to get out of his hold.

"You got my attention. You're the only person who's made me feel whole again." He said acting as if he's known me forever.

"You don't know me!" I screamed at him and kicked him in the side. He fell to the side and i got up and ran to the door. I tried unlocking it but it wouldn't budge so i ran to the bathroom. I tried closing the door but a foot caught it right before i was able to close it. His hand started pushing the door and i finally gave up running to the back wall. I backed up into a corner and he stalked me like I was his prey.

"I was going to let today's incident at the mall go but after that stunt you just pulled I'm afraid I have no choice but to move the wedding up." Roman said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the bathroom.

"No, please don't. I promise I'll be good just please don't move it up." I cried and he grabbed the handcuff  and put it over my right wrist. He attached the other end of the handcuff to the bed and I felt so helpless.

"It's too late for that Eliza, the wedding will be moved up to next month. If you try anything else I'll move it up to next week." He gave me a wicked smile and leaned in as I tried to pull at my wrist and back away from him.

I ended up flat on my back with him climbing on top of me. I only had my left hand to try and push him off but he grabbed it and pinned it down.

"Please don't do anything." I begged as he smiled down at me.

"Don't worry darling I won't do anything besides kissing until after the wedding." He said and leaned in to kiss my lips. I tried looking away again but he used his free hand to grab my chin and forced his lips on mine. When i didn't kiss him back he gave up and got off me.

He walked to the door and pulled a key out from his pocket.

"Only one month and we'll be married." He said and walked out the door leaving me cuffed to the bed.

I'm going to mainly write this story in Eliza's POV unless I feel like Romans view is really needed. Let me know though if you feel like I should add his POV more often.

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