Chapter 5

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(Back to the diner)

The diner was finally closed and it was time for us to begin. I let the man who killed my mother come over to me and then shot him in the leg. He fell to the ground holding his knee and begging me to to leave him alone. His wife came rushing to his side and held his head. I smirked at at him.

"This is payback for what you did to my mother." He looked at me and then a look of realization came on his face.

"Is there anyone left in the diner?" I asked the wife and she shook her head frantically.

"No they all left already." She said in a weak voice. I nodded at her and matthew and theo got rope and tied their hands behind their back. I aimed my gun at the wife when I saw movement in the back. I looked back and made eye contact with the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes i've ever seen. She had long black hair and curves in all the right places.

I smirked at her right before she ran out the door. She had no idea that she left me with a need for her. She will be my woman whether she likes it or not. But first i had to deal with the man who killed my mother.

I looked back down at him and shot his wife twice making sure she was dead. He started screaming and begging for us to just kill him too. I would never let him off that easy. He needs to be tortured to the point where he wished he was never born.

"Theo and Matthew clean up the mess. Make sure to get rid of her body and put him in the back of the car. I'll be waiting in the car." They nodded and I walked out the door.

I called Caleb and told him to get information on all the female workers at the diner by the time I got home. I had no doubt in my mind that he would have the information for me and I would learn more about my princess.

She seemed so delicate that i couldn't wait to cherish her.

Theo and Matthew came out carrying dave and put him in the trunk. Then they got in the car and started it. "Are you ready to go boss." Theo said as he was about to start driving.

"I'm more than ready to go." I said smirking knowing that the information about my princess would be on my desk waiting for me.

The car ride felt so long but we finally made it to the mansion. I basically jumped out of the car and fast walked up to my office. I opened the door and sure enough there were four folders sitting on my desk.

I grabbed the top one and opened it. The name was Rachel Smith but when i looked at the picture it wasn't my princess. The girl had strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. I threw the folder to the side and opened the next one.

Lena Clark was the next name I saw. She was a brunette with chocolate brown eyes but she still wasn't my princess. I threw her folder to the side and started to get frustrated. I grabbed the next folder and opened it to see the name Annie Burns. She had red hair and light blue eyes. I tossed her folder to the side and looked at the last folder. This had to be my princess.

As i was about to open the folder, Theo and Matthew came barging into the room. "Boss is something wrong. Why did you come up here in such a hurry." Matthew said as he saw the different folders on my desk. Theo came over and picked up Lena's folder.

"Boss why do you have girls folders from the diner." He asked.

"I found my princess tonight and i wanted more information about her." I smiled at them.

"Now leave so I can finally find out information about my princess."

They nodded and left the room. I looked down at the folder and slowly opened it. Eliza Rose Leclair. Her name was beautiful but I would love to change it to Eliza Ceirin. I looked at her photo and I was speechless. Her black hair and blue eyes were such a gorgeous pair and I wanted to make her know she is beautiful.

I started looking at her folder and found out she lives really close to the diner. Her graduation is tomorrow and I knew I would have to send one of my men to watch her. I know she'll probably try to run but no matter how far she's able to get I'll always find her.

If she tries to run tomorrow I will have to go after her and get her sooner than i thought. That just means i will have my princess in my arms and that makes me so excited.

I called Caleb and told him he would have to go to her graduation and watch her tomorrow.

I went to bed thinking about what I would do with her if she tried to run.

I woke up the next day super excited. I sent some of my men to watch her every movement. There is no way I'm letting her out of my sight.

Caleb left about an hour ago and is at her graduation right now. He sent me a picture of her getting her diploma and she looked so cute.

After the graduation was done he informed me that her friend dropped her off at a street with multiple hotels. She ended up going into one of my hotels which made it so much easier to go and get her.

I got in my car and headed to my hotel. I walked in and to the receptionist who was trying to get my attention. I got the room number my princess was in and went to her room. I had two of my men with me in case she put up a fight.

I knocked on the door and it only took a couple seconds for my beautiful baby to open the door.

"Hello darling, did you miss me?" Her eyes went wide and she tried closing the door on me. I was able to get the door open and she backed up into the wall. "Please leave me alone." She said crying trying to get me away from her.

I pulled the cloth from my pocket and put it over her mouth and nose. She soon passed out and i picked her up bridal style. I carried her to the car as my men got some of her stuff. She was peacefully sleeping in my lap and I was so excited to have her in my arms.

Hey guys sorry for the slow update. I'm working full time right now and don't have much time to write. I'm trying to continue writing so thank you to all of you who are patiently waiting and still reading my story.

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