Chapter 12

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Eliza Pov-

As soon as he told me the wedding was moved up even more I froze. I can't marry him but there's nothing I can do right now to change his mind.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice the nurses come in and put restraints around my hands.

"Hey let me go these hurt." I screamed at the nurse about to leave the room.

She turned around and looked at me with sympathy. "I'm sorry ma'am but we can't risk you hurting yourself again or trying to run away." As soon as she said that she turned back around and walked out leaving me alone with my thoughts.

My mind drifted back to Matthew and Theo and how nice they were compared to the idiot they're friends with. Maybe I could get one of them to turn on Roman and help me escape.

Who am I kidding? They would never betray Roman and he has made it clear that he will never let me go.

With these thoughts in mind I drifted off to sleep hoping and praying that I would wake up and this was all just one big nightmare.

I felt something slowly make its way down my face and shot my eyes open. Roman was sitting in a chair next to my bed gliding his finger down my face.

I tried to get up and move away but my hands were still in restraints. I gave him a glare before turning my head away from him.

Suddenly I felt his hand grab my chin and turn it towards him.

"Why can't you be nice to me and smile like you were to my friends earlier?" He said with a frown on his face.

He did not just ask me that.

"Maybe because you kidnapped me and keep threatening to kill my family if I don't marry you. Plus the fact that you also keep moving the wedding date up every time I try to voice my opinion or defy your commands!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

I did not want to let him see me cry but maybe it would make him feel bad for me and finally give me my freedom back.

He sighed and stood up walking to the door. Did I actually get him to let me go? Is he finally done trying to get me to marry him?

He turned his head making eye contact with me and I became hopeful that he was actually thinking of letting me go.

"The wedding will happen whether you like it or not. I am going to give you a few extra days to get better and we will get married next Friday." He said before walking out leaving me no time to protest.

How am I ever going to be able to escape him?

Maybe I need to start gaining his trust and then try to escape. If I'm nice to him this week he will probably have his guard down for the wedding and then I can escape after I earn my family and make sure they are safe.

With these thoughts in mind I drifted off to sleep hoping that maybe tomorrow I could get out of these restraints and then start to earn his trust.

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. I was trying to figure out how I wanted the next few chapters to go and finally decided. Also I'm sorry this is a short chapter but I know some of you have been waiting a while for a new one so hopefully this is good enough until I am able to write another one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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