Chapter 2

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I sat at my desk trying to do paperwork for the company. The company is just a cover for my illegal business but it's necessary to stay off the police's radar. Even if they tried to find something to arrest me with they would never find it. I'm too careful to let my position and life get taken away from me.

I heard a knock at my door and looked up expectantly knowing it was either mattew or theo. "Come in." I said going back to my paperwork.

Mathew and Theo walked in with a folder in their hand. "Sir, we found him." I paused what I was doing knowing exactly who they were talking about. The man who killed my mother has been hiding for 15 years.

I took the folder from him and opened it. I scanned the information and got angrier when i found out he lives twenty minutes away. The bastard has been living under my nose this whole time and I had no clue.

I looked at his picture and memorized his face. This man took my mom's life without a second thought and that was exactly what i was going to do to him. He even has a wife that I can use to torture him with before I kill him.

I kept looking through his file and saw that he owned a small diner. I think i'll pay him a visit tonight.

"Mathew, Theo, get ready we are going to his diner tonight. The bastard will see how much I appreciate him tonight." I said and watched as both of their mouths turned into sadistic grins. They both knew this was the moment I've waited for. No one messes with the Ceirin family and expects to get away with it.

"You may leave and be ready to go by 5." They nodded their heads while I went back to my paperwork.

It took me four hours to get my work done when it normally takes me forty minutes. I couldn't get the excitement of what was gonna happen tonight out of my head. Knowing the man who shot my mother would end up the same way made me excited. I left my office and went upstairs to my room to change.

I took a shower knowing I would have to take another shower tonight to get all his blood off of me. I turned off the water, grabbed my towel, and started drying off. I picked one of the many suits I buy for special occasions like this and went downstairs. I saw Matthew and Theo both standing by the door ready to go.

"The car is waiting sir." Theo said opening the door for me revealing a black SUV. Matthew got in the driver's seat while Theo opened the back door for me and got in the passenger seat once he was done. Matthew started driving and the excitement kept growing. Nothing would stop me from hearing him beg for his life and taking his wife's life without hesitation.

I told Matthew to park in their parking lot since it was only a few minutes from the diner. They went ahead of me as I stayed behind and came up with a plan of how tonight would go. Nothing would stop me but I also didn't want to take more lives than necessary. We will wait until the diner clears out and then make our move. As I got out of the car I noticed a girl walking toward the diner in a blue uniform. She went in through the front entrance and she seemed to have worked there. I hope for her sake that she leaves before all the shit goes down tonight. If not, she will need to be taken care of.

I walked to the entrance but got a phone call before I entered the building. I answered it in an impatient tone and waited until they were done speaking. They told me that one of the shipments the were supposed to come in tomorrow got delayed till moday which i could care less about right now. It took me ten minutes to get it sorted out before I was ready to go into the diner. When I went in I saw Matthew and Theo sitting in a corner booth with three plates in front of them.

"I hope you don't mind we order for you." Theo said before he took a big bite out of his burger.

"It's fine. Have you guys found out when they close?" I asked knowing they already had.

"Yes the hot waitress said they close at 9." Theo said with a smile on his lips.

Theo is the player of the group and there's no doubt in my mind he's already made a move on her.

"Matthew how long did it take Theo to flirt with the waitress?" I looked at him while taking a bite of my fry.

He chuckled and responded. "About 32 seconds." We all started laughing which was a rare site in public. We normally liked to look strong and intimidating with straight faces in public. As we finished our food we realized it was already seven.

Only two more hours until my revenge starts.

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