Chapter 9

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Eliza Pov-

I fought Roman as much as I could to get out from under him. He pulled away and looked down at me. "Kiss me back."

I shook my head shocked that he would even think I wanted to do that. "Eliza if you don't kiss me back I'll move the wedding up and then we'll be doing more than kissing." He smirked down at me seeing the anger on my face.

"You can't do this. I will never love you or kiss you back. This is some sick joke and you threatening to keep moving the wedding up is only going to make me hate you even more. I will never stop trying to escape from you so please either let me go or kill me." I was shocked at my statement but if death was the only way out then he better be ready to find my dead body.

When I had the courage to look at his face I was surprised to see him smirking. "Baby I'm never letting you go. I'm not going to kill you and you will never escape this life with me. You will learn to love me and then you can start earning your freedom back." I didn't realize it but he managed to handcuff my hands to the bed during his speech. I started pulling at them because I knew if I didn't he would force me to kiss him again.

"Now you are going to kiss me back or I'll find other ways to make you kiss me." I gave him a glare and spit on his face.

He surprisingly stayed calm and wiped it off with a tissue. "Fine, I'll use another way to kiss you"

He started leaning in and I moved my face to the side. He chuckled but grabbed my chin and brought my face towards his. Once again his lips came crashing down on mine but I kept mine closed and unresponsive. I started to feel him lift up my shirt and gasped at the cold hand moving its way up to my chest. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and explored every part of it.

I started to kick and tried to hit him in between his legs but he managed to pin my legs down. After what felt like hours of him kissing me he finally pulled away and I gasped for air.

I once again tried moving my legs but he still had them pinned. "Roman let me go. This is wrong and no matter how much you force me my heart will never be yours. I know there are probably a million girls out there that would love to marry you so why don't you go find one of them and let me go?" I pleaded.

He smirked at me and kissed my forhead before getting up. "None of them compare to you and why would I go find another girl when I have you? You were mine since the moment I saw you. No matter how much you try to escape you never will."

"I'm not yours!" I screamed at him and tried to pull my hands out of the handcuffs.

"Yes you are and we will have a wedding next week to prove it." I could tell he was happy with his statement.

"Please Roman let me go. I will never mention this to the police and I'll tell my parents I needed some space. Just please let me go this isn't the right way to get married." I knew he wouldn't but I was still going to fight him as much as I could.

"This marriage is going to happen and it is right because I love you. Your family is going to be there so your dad can walk you down the aisle." I gasped.

"If my family knows that you're forcing me to get married they'll never allow it." I said with hope that they will report him to the police.

"Baby they will allow it. If they don't allow it I'll kill them and if you don't behave on our wedding day I'll also kill them." He had a grin on his face knowing I couldn't fight back.

My parents have done so much for me and it would be so selfish to try to do anything while their lives are on the line. Besides I know they'll tell the police and will free me from him.

"Be ready to be my bride within a week." He said looking at me one more time before walking out.

Once i knew he was gone, i started pulling my hands as hard as I could trying to get them out of the handcuffs. There was no way I could escape him unless my family helped me but I knew Roman was powerful and would stop that from happening. He'll probably threaten my parents before the wedding and I have to stop that from happening.

There is only one way that I could truly escape Roman. That way is death. He can't control me or kill my parents if I'm already dead.

A/N- Sorry, I know this isn't a very long chapter and I was trying to figure out if I wanted to add to it. But I decided I wanted to give you guys an update because it's been awhile since the last one.

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