Chapter 8

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Eliza Pov-

I just laid there feeling helpless and wondering why he chose me out of every girl. I know there's plenty of girls that would've been willing to marry him today if he asked them to. So why me?

The door to the room slowly cracked open and a maid came in with a few other people I did not recognize. They all started organizing their stuff not even acknowledging that there was someone handcuffed to the bed. I tried moving a little bit to get their attention but not a single one looked in my direction.

The door opened again and the person I wanted to see the least right now came in with a grin on his face.

"Hello darling, how are you feeling today?" I didn't respond and looked the opposite direction of where Roman was. He quickly grabbed my face and made sure I was looking at him. "When I speak to you I expect an answer do you understand?" He said sternly and I nodded my head yes. "In words darling."

"Yes." I said quietly and tried looking away again but his hand wouldn't let me turn away from him.

"These women are here to get your measurements and ask you questions about the wedding so I expect you to cooperate alright." He said looking at me and I knew he was waiting for an answer.

"Yes." I said quietly. Roman got out a key and went to unlock my handcuff. Before he unlocked it he leaned down and I could feel his hot breath on my ear. "Make sure you cooperate or else I'll move the wedding up to the end of this week." I stiffened at his words and looked at him with horror in my eyes. I did not want to marry him at all.

He unlocked the handcuff and naturally i brought my hand back down. He moved away and looked at the women. "Make sure you get everything you need to know and if she is being stubborn just let my guards know to come get me."

They nodded at him and then looked over to me as he exited the room. I just sat there not willing to move until they forced me to.

To my surprise, they went back to what they were doing and just ignored me for another five minutes until I got up to go to the bathroom.

"Where are you going dear?" One of the oldest ladies said and it made me feel like she thought I was going to run away. She's not wrong for thinking that, but I really did just want to use the bathroom right now. I will cooperate right now so I have more time to figure out a way to escape.

"To the bathroom." I said and pointed to the bathroom door. She nodded and I quickly went in and locked the door. The bathroom was beautiful but sadly it did not have any windows so I had no way of looking for an escape route right now.

I did my business and washed my hands taking as long as possible. When I finally unlocked the door and walked out all the ladies were just standing and waiting for me.

One of the younger ones came over and gently grabbed my arm leading me to a small step stool they wanted me to stand on. They all started measuring me and I stood there thinking of a way to escape. Every scenario in my head lead to me being killed or married to Roman. I wouldn't mind being killed trying to gain my freedom but I know Roman would never let me go that easily.

I guess I got lost in my thoughts because all the women were standing in front of me waiting for me to step down.

"She must be thinking of her fiance." The youngest one whispered to the ladies and I couldn't help but roll my eyes which went unnoticed by them.

After they got done giggling amongst themselves they sat down and motioned for me to sit down on the bed.

"What's your two favorite colors?" The youngest one just blurted out.

"Blue." I said not giving them a second color.

"And the other one." The older lady said trying to speed up my decision.

"Um light blue?" I said not knowing what else to say. Blue was the only color I truly liked.

"You have to have two different colors dear, you can't just pick two different shades of blue." The older lady said in a tone that sounded too sweet for me.

" Why can't I just have two different shades of blue? I'm being forced to marry this man so why can't I just have two shades of blue for this wedding?" I said looking proud as they all were slightly shocked at my outburst.

"We can just have Roman pick the other color." The middle aged woman said.

This angered me for some reason. "No he will not choose the other color. I don't see the problem with having a darker shade of blue and a light blue. You guys asked me for two colors and I gave them to you." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the maid slip out of the door and I knew she was going to get Roman.

"Crap." I whispered and ran to the restroom since it was the only place I could escape him for a while. I sat on the farthest corner away from the door hoping maybe she just had something else to do.

My hopes of this were shattered when I heard his voice. "Where is she?" I couldn't tell if he was angry or genuinely concerned.

A few seconds passed before I heard him knock on the door gently. "Eliza I know you're in there can you come out?" Shock ran through me as he dounded so kind and loving. I knew it was just a tactic to get me out of the bathroom and I stayed silent.

"Eliza come out now!" This time I could tell he was getting angry but I couldn't move. Fear took over my body as I heard the door unlock and saw him come in. He came over to me and I backed up into the wall as much as I could.

Roman grabbed my arms and lifted me up which I didn't fight because it would only make him angrier. He carried me into the bedroom and to my surprise the ladies were gone.

He put me down on the bed and gently lifted his hand to my face but I backed away before he could touch it. "Don't touch me!" I said disgusted and backed up into the headboard.

"I can touch you all I want because you are mine." He grabbed my face and pulled it closer to his. I put my hands on his chest trying to push it away. He grabbed both my hands with one of his before crashing his lips to mine.

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