Chapter 5

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(art from @COene65  on twitter)

I would have expected to wake up as cold as usual. It wasn't that my house was cold per se, it wasn't an external cold but more of the inside. It was the way I would wake up but still be as numb and bitter as asleep. But not this time. This time I couldn't even feel the numbness as it was an immense headache and nausea that overtook all of my senses. I hadn't even sat up on my bed and I could already grasp how bad it was. Damn it, I couldn't even remember last night properly. 

It took me a long while to be able to sit up normally, and another long while to go to the toilet on my own where after I threw up I started to feel better. And so, when I felt good enough I decided to leave my room, not having quite the stomach for food at the moment, but still feeling hungry. 

In any other situation I wouldn't have even bothered to cook something, I knew I would barely have anything to cook anyways. But on top of my small kitchen was a small basket with a few things, food already cooked and for me to cook in the future, along with a bunch of painkillers. And over all those things lied a note that read in capital letters "GET A JOB".

After realizing this must have been from Kakashi I couldn't help but smile gently. Especially because just like I told him last night, he wasn't as bad as he thought, as bad as everyone made him out to be. 

I sighed, picking up a sandwich that was already done and a few of the painkillers. And feeling even better than I had during this past week I decided to actually try to get a job. It wasn't the first time I tried, but I hoped this time I would succeed. After all, I was now older and more capable. But of course, life proved me wrong. 

I still was too young and without experience. That, or the places I went to weren't looking for anyone at the moment or some other of the many excuses I heard. I had tried at almost every place in Konoha there was, and nobody wanted me. So of course, any small hope I had in the morning was now long gone along with my mood.

I sat on the street, elbows resting over my knees and head laying over one of my fists as I sighed getting my gaze lost on the floor. I sipped from my cold drink, letting the fizziness and bubbles refresh me from the inside out. Or at least trick my mind into feeling that way. I didn't want to think anymore: about how everyone had rejected me, about how I would pay for stuff, I just didn't want to think. But unluckily, I knew I had to think about it or else I might have to go back with my father. And I'm not sure which of us both would hate it the most. 

I was forced out of my depressing train of thoughts when something hit my shoe. I looked down and saw a coin. Then I looked up, following the direction in which it had been tossed only to find my two friends: Miko and Miu. The latter one waved at me with a smile while the other one giggled silently. 

"Hey, got you for a beggar for a moment" Miko messed with me. But I honestly wasn't in any mood for jokes today so I just rolled my eyes. 

"What happened?" Miu asked after they both realized I looked more tired than I normally did "You look worse than usual" she added, probably still trying to crack a joke so I'd smile or something. 

"I'm looking for a job," I explained to them, sounding and looking more dejected than I would have liked to "But nobody wants me"

"You've got zero experience, I'm not surprised" Miko answered, and it only made me look away with a frown because she was kind of right. But then it popped into my mind. They did have part-time jobs.

"Hey, wouldn't your bosses be looking for people by any chance? Maybe you could help me" I said, a small glint of hope lightning up in the depths of my chest. But they both grimaced with an apologetic look. 

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