Chapter 19

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This was the first time (Y/n) was there alone. Although to be fair, this would be the first time she would work there, at her new workplace. That's right, she left both the bar and the flower shop to venture into Kurva's proposal. She was scared, terrified of having made the wrong choice. But Kurva assured her that she would like it there; and that if she ever were to leave, with her new and more experience, she would have no problem finding a job better than that crusty bar. Even if the pay would never be as big as Kurva offered. That is also the main reason as to why (Y/n) decided to try. The incredible pay.

Needless to say, Kakashi wasn't quite fond of her decision. He found it astounding that she was even offered something like that. And even more crazy was to think that (Y/n) had agreed to it. He thought she simply didn't understand the type of work she was agreeing to do, and he was in all ways unable to tell or even hint to her about it. But of course, it wasn't his choice to make so he didn't really bother her much. Instead, he asserted his disagreement with snarky remarks here and there.

The thing is, that right now, as (Y/n) made her way through the empty and long halls of the building, she could feel herself becoming more and more anxious. Kurva promised her that she wouldn't do anything she wasn't comfortable with, but it still had her wondering what would specifically be her job.

"She's the girl I told you about," (Y/n) overheard Kurva's voice from behind the door of her office. Kurva had told her to meet her before her lunch with the clients so that she could further introduce any information needed, given that (Y/n) was completely in the dark. But after hearing Kurva's voice she figured she was meeting someone else, and therefore she decided to wait "She's a cute and naïve girl, perhaps too naïve..."

"It's not like you to regret a decision you make," this time a young man's voice sounded followed by his own melodic chuckle.

"I do not do such things. I have very much faith in my investment with her. I just wonder how she will face today's lunch" (Y/n) didn't intend to eavesdrop on Kurva's private conversation, but the more she overheard the more curious she was about the subject of their discussion. She had even started to lean closer to the door in her attempt at cleaner audio of the conversation.

"You need not worry, Kurva. You know all girls that started with me are now one of your greatest sources of income,"

"Indeed," she answered after a sigh. But (Y/n) couldn't quite catch what she said next.

There was suddenly a long silence that made (Y/n) lean against the door even more. Until, suddenly, the door moved. But it didn't disappear and made her fall, or simply glided to the side, no. It moved towards her face, bumping her right in the middle of her forehead. She tried to stand up and turn around, cheeks threatening to become red at the thought of Kurva thinking she was spying on her. But she wasn't able to flee. In fact, she was falling to the floor. Yet somehow, her arse never hit the floor. Instead, a slender hand caught her arm and secured her by her back preventing her from a messy fall.

She had closed her lids tight, already embracing herself for the strike. But when she opened them, she was met with very big enigmatic teal eyes. She blinked a few times, being blinded by the beauty of the person who saved her butt. 'Is it a guy or a girl?' she thought as she saw the blonde-ash long hair that fell onto their shoulder in a loose ponytail. It didn't throw any light on her question when she looked at their androgynous face. But one thing was for sure, this person reminded her of those heroes from traditional and ancient myths.

"Are you okay?" the voice sounded deep but with a smooth melody to it. (Y/n) made small but quick nods, still entranced by this person that she realized was indeed a guy after seeing his opulent and traditional robes. Not only that, but he seemed a young man of importance as well. She became even more embarrassed.

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