Chapter 42

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(art by @shengdoushi9 on twitter)

"You can come in, (Y/n)" a jonin said to her, finally making her leg stop bouncing. 

She had been sitting in the hallway, bouncing her leg and biting the skin off her lip ever since she had set foot into the Hokage's building. After all, she had only been there three times. The first one was when the Hokage discovered she was a thief. The second one when she was sent into the Soo-Yun's mission, which wasn't something as bad as the first one, but that it wasn't something that excited her either. And the last one and most recent was when she went there with Kakashi to sign their marriage papers. Obviously, this last time wasn't bad at all, but unlike the other two times, she had gone there willingly whereas today, she had been summoned. That is why she couldn't stop thinking that it could only mean trouble. 

She entered the Third's office, standing there awkwardly for a while until he stopped writing on a paper and put his pipe down to look at her. 

"How have you been, (Y/n)?" he asked, his face almost expressionless. But even then, she could sense that he actually cared. 

"Alright," she answered shortly, shrugging her shoulders. She had been very well actually, happier than ever, but that was the answer that came out of her lips. Perhaps because she was used to saying that word no matter how she truly felt. Hiruzen blew some smoke from his pipe. He smiled faintly, perhaps also knowing that she meant more than her words let on. 

"I'm happy to hear that, and I'm also happy to not have heard anything more about Kakashi and you," he said, for it meant that they continued to be happily married. She blushed a little and nodded, fleeing his gaze "But I'm sure you want to know why you're here so I'll keep it short," he announced, making her even more nervous "You see, I've come to realize that we have a problem," he started, catching her attention as much as he confused and scared her "As you may know, in order to be a ninja of any rank, you need to qualify via exam," (Y/n) nodded. She never knew what exactly went on those exams, but she did know it was required to become a genin, and the same went for chunin and jonin. She knew because Kakashi explained to her when he was first placed as sensei for upcomming genin. Although he had yet to pass a team... "We've got amazing ninja with great taijutsu, ninjutsu, and genjutsu skills. But I've come to realize many of them aren't exactly... subtle, when the situation requires for it" (Y/n) arched a brow, not quite following "Many missions require to steal scrolls, objects, anything... And many people don't know how to do it well. This has lead to advanced and experienced ninja messing up missions they should not. Even though this normally goes hand by hand with a neglection of other basic ninja rules and basic standards" Again, (Y/n) blinked twice. Attentively listening, but not quite catching on. 

There was a long silence in which the Hokage blew off a relatively large cloud of smoke from his pipe. Then, he sighed. 

"I'm asking you to teach them how to steal," he summed up. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she couldn't believe it for a solid minute. 

"W-what?" was the first thing that came out of her mouth "But I'm not a ninja"

"And yet, you're one of the most skilled thieves we've ever had in Konoha," he spoke, making her skin burn both due to being praised and due to anxiousness "I think it's time to put that great skill of yours to good use, (Y/n)" he added, and she hesitated. 

"I don't know if I'll be able to teach someone though... Besides, I don't think a ninja would be happy to be taught by a non-ninja..." 

"They will do what they have to. If they don't oblige to what you say, they will simply be suspended," the Hokage spoke, once again making her skin heat up at the thought of such power "In addition, most of your students will be at most chunnin. Normally, they're priority is to learn, so they won't care about your title"

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