Chapter 41

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"Stop moving!" Naruto yelled, making (Y/n) have to repress her smile. 

"I'm not moving!" Sho shouted from her side. She giggled and Naruto snapped a picture of the two of them before he went somewhere else to take pictures of other stuff. 

"I heard about Kakashi and you," Sho and she continued to talk. She blushed at his words "My grandfather told me... I'm glad that you could avoid... this" (Y/n) looked away, her shy and happy smile disappearing slightly. 

"I'm sorry," She answered because she knew that if she got married to someone else he would be forced to marry a random girl "What will you do now?"

"(Y/n)! Sho! Come!" Naruto yelled from almost the other side of the field. 

"Well," he sighed when they started walking "There's nothing much I can do... My grandfather has already set blind dates with a few families"

"Hey, you don't know, maybe you'll meet an amazing girl" He turned to look at her with a deadpan, making her laugh. 

"Let's eat some Dango," Naruto said as soon as (Y/n) and Sho arrived by his side "And you're inviting!" he smirked while he pointed a finger at Sho. His brow twitched while he frowned at the kid. 

"Why me?" Sho squinted his eyes at Naruto who just smiled bigger and turned around, leading the way. 

"Because you're rich," Naruto answered, walking with his arms behind his head. 

There was silence for a little while in which they just continued to walk, Naruto leading the way in the front, and (Y/n) and Sho side by side. He took a look at (Y/n) for a moment and sighed.

"You know, this could have been us in the future..." he mumbled.

"No way! She deserves better!" Naruto was the one to answer before (Y/n) did, making her laugh.

"Seriously, what did I do to you?" Sho finally asked with a frown. Naruto turned to him and stuck out his tongue while pulling down his cheek under his eye. (Y/n) laughed harder and in the end, the two boys laughed as well "Have you heard anything of Soo-Yun?" Sho asked (Y/n) after a while. 

She flinched, for a moment having forgotten that she told him about where she was when her father and his grandfather arranged their previous marriage. And how she couldn't help but not to share some of the details about the prince.

"Who's Soo-Yun?" Naruto asked.

"It's a prince from the Land of River," she answered, thinking about how to explain it to him, and what to explain and what not "I went to help him along with Kakashi"

"You went on a mission!? Why did I not know about this?!" he asked, or rather yelled, stopping and turning to her with wide eyes and excitement. (Y/n) couldn't help but smile again.

"I didn't do any of the ninja stuff," she warned him "all I did was stay around his castle while a group of ninja did the 'cool' stuff" 

"Oh..." he said disheartened and then continued to walk ahead of them. 

"He wrote a few times," (Y/n) answered Sho's question, thus catching his attention. Even though he almost didn't pay her attention when his eyes fixed on her profile. He stared at her fluttering eyelashes and bright skin that shined with the sunlight. She actually looked kind of cute and grown up. He looked away.

"What did he say?" he quickly asked. 

"He told me how his Land was now peaceful and prosperous," she started "He said when he'd drop by, about seeing each other, ..." she added, her voice getting quieter until she stopped with an almost silent sigh. 

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