Chapter 14

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(art from @hakjki92  on twitter)

We both turned to our side, to see where the voice came from. We spotted a shop that was too crowded for its size and that I recalled had been closed for weeks, a new store taking its place. A group of three young jonin were looking at us, some of them more cheery than others. Kakashi grunted almost silently and looked away, and it was then that I remembered these three people from the ramen shop the other day. It was the same guy with a black bowl haircut who called Kakashi, and he was accompanied by the same couple of jonin. A tanned guy with dark hair and a fair girl with red eyes. The three of them looked at Kakashi and then their eyes landed on me. I could see the red-eyed girl moving her lips but I couldn't catch what she was saying from where I stood.

After the three of them had realized my presence their eyes seem to stay on me instead of Kakashi. It made me nervous at first, mostly because of their expressionless faces. But soon I realized they must have been staring at me out of confusion. I looked up at Kakashi to confirm my theory, and I saw how he was trying to avoid looking at them at all costs, almost to the point of giving them his back and walking away. But he didn't.

I looked back at the three expectant jonins and the questions I wondered the other day appeared to have been answered at that moment. These three jonin seemed to want to be friends with him, maybe they used to be friends or knew him. They might have gone together at the Academy. However, Kakashi didn't seem comfortable around them. 'I wonder why'.

After a lot of staring into each other, I realized It was too late to back away now. They had already seen me and were continuously moving their gaze from Kakashi to me and from me to Kakashi, and so forth and so on. I looked at Kakashi who continued to remain near me but ignoring them, yet despite bearing a frown I noticed a small blush creeping from under his mask.

"Hii!" I waved loudly for them to hear as I approached them "I'm (Y/n)" I decided to greet them with a smile. I was almost certain that my theory was correct and I would prove it so.

"What are you doing?" Kakashi muttered annoyed from behind me, following me and saying it in a whisper so that I could be the only one to hear him, but I had no doubt they must have heard him too. Although if they did, they didn't seem fazed by it.

"I'm greeting your friends," I said to him with a smile, lowly as well but significantly louder than him. Kakashi huffed, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he decided to look away as if he wasn't part of any of this. Unlike them

"I'm Might Guy!" the guy with the bowl cut and shiny smile greeted vigorously.

"I'm Asuma, nice to meet you" the tanned guy greeted with a more pacific smile. I smiled back at him and I noticed Kakashi getting more impatient behind me.

"And I'm Kurenai," the girl smiled warmly "How do you know Kakashi?"

The three of them looked at me expectantly, but I just completely froze at her question. So much it must have looked like my brain was rebooting. I didn't know what to say 'He caught me stealing several times' Yeah, it didn't sound any good. I started sweating as the minutes passed and I stayed in silence.

"I know her from around," Kakashi answered for me, making me breathe in relief "Let's go," he then whispered to me.

"Wait, why don't you join us, (Y/n)?" Kurenai asked "Have you tried this dango place yet? They opened today" she said. I looked at the table where they sat and saw that they had indeed ordered some sweets.

"Let's eat dango, Kakashi" I said to the silver-haired ninja, ignoring his previous words and seating by the table. Kakashi huffed as a complaint and I sat down in front of the three ninja "C'mon, I'll invite you" I tried to bribe him.

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