Chapter 40

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Self-indulgent-fluff kinda chapter :)

It was definite, Kakashi and (Y/n) were moving in together. Or well, to be more exact, they had moved in together today. It really was a matter of time given the fact that they already kind of lived together. In fact, that was the reason why they decided to seek a new apartment for both of them because Kakashi didn't have his things at (Y/n)'s place when he spent the night there, and vice versa. And given the fact that neither of them was fond of their sad apartment, they decided to get one together. To leave their old and depressing places that were filled with bad memories and get a new and bright one that they could fill with new memories.

And that is what they spent the day doing: moving their stuff from their apartments to the new one, and start adjusting the furniture and little decoration they had. It truly was a remarkable day, and not only because it marked the beginning of a new future for both of them, but because they also didn't do it alone. Thanks to (Y/n), they also had help from Asuma, Kurenai, and Gai, and although at first Kakashi didn't see why they'd need any help, he had to admit that he actually did not mind at all. He didn't even mind when (Y/n) invited them to eat take-out for dinner in their new place both for thanking them and inaugurating their new home.

But now all that was over. They had left a while ago to let the young couple adjust to their new home, and so now it was time for bed. Although that didn't mean it was time to sleep because even though they were tired from moving boxes from one place to another, they weren't sleepy at all.

"Kakashi," (Y/n) called him after she had put her pajamas on. He peeked his head from their ensuite bathroom and looked at her while he continued to brush his teeth "What side of the bed do you prefer?" she asked him.

He went inside the bathroom and rinsed his mouth before walking out and inspecting the room. He didn't really care what side he'd sleep on as long as it was with her, but after taking a glance around him he changed his mind. His eyes were set on the big and white full moon that was fully visible from the window, and he couldn't help but find it beautiful, almost as much as (Y/n). But of course, it would never snatch the 1st place for it belonged to her. But at the realization, he unconsciously spoke:

"This one," he said, laying on the side closest to the door and farthest to the window "So that I can look at the two things I love the most," he ventured. 'The moon, and you' he thought, but (Y/n) didn't let him finish his corny words. 

"Wait, there's something else besides me?" She asked with wide eyes and a teasingly exaggerated tone. Kakashi swallowed, and he immediately regretted saying anything. Hell, he even cringed at his own thought now. He couldn't even fathom how he could think of something as cheesy and cringy as that. But even then, he couldn't help but chuckle at (Y/n)'s cute reaction, tenderly wrapping an arm around her lower back and pulling her into the bed with him.

"No, I love you the most; above everything else," he answered, smiling at her while pulling in to kiss her. 

"No, what were you going to say?" she pulled away, denying him the kiss and looking at him with a sussy face and a smirk, curious about what he was referring to. But now he felt even more ashamed and stupid.

"No, now I don't want to. You ruined the moment..." he huffed, looking the other way, and retreating from her, getting under the covers and turning his body giving his back to the moon.

This time it was her the one to chuckle and although she would have liked to know what he was referring to, she let it go. Instead, she leaned down and kissed his cheek before she laid on her place on the bed. 

Still with a smile, she reached her new bedside table and picked up her newest book, and started reading it. And after a little while, looking for a more comfortable position she ended up turning to her right, to the window, and thus giving her back to Kakashi. 

A little bit after there was some shuffling. It was Kakashi turning to her and getting closer, but she was too absorbed in her book to notice or care. She also didn't seem to react when his hand slid over her hip in a slow and soft embrace. He had to get so close to get a reaction that she felt his warmth right on her back, and his loving lips leaving tender and long pecks on her nape.

"You really ignored me," he mumbled over her skin, tightening her warm hug around her. Truthfully, he didn't want to tell her about the cringy sentence he thought of, but he did want her to insist a little bit more because he knew it'd mean she being cuddly with him. 

"You didn't want to tell me," she spoke with a widening smile when he softly bit on her neck.

"You gave up quickly..." he said, leaving more wetter kisses scattered through her neck. 

"Because I knew you wouldn't tell me" she excused herself, continuing with her reading. 

Kakashi didn't say anything else, and instead, he put himself in a more comfortable position, hugging her better and moving his hands over her in a loving caress. Or at least it started like that because, soon, Kakashi's hands started to play with the hem of her shirt until they snaked under her shirt. They seemed to have a mind of their own while Kakashi snuggled closer using his legs to caress hers while his hands found their way to her chest.

At first (Y/n) didn't mind, she just continued to smile. But she couldn't help but turn her head towards him with an arched brow when his hand squeezed one of her boobs. 

"Don't mind me," he said with his usual aloof face. But her smile widened in amazement while her brow arched even more "It's really relaxing" he added, cuddling her better with a small smile while he gave her boob another gentle squeeze.

"My boobs are not your personal stress balls" she said with an annoyed tone despite her face being the complete opposite. Kakashi's smile became less small when he saw her own grin. But his eyes widened in surprise, playing dumb. 

"They aren't?" he retreated his face from the comfort of the crook of her neck. She shook her head in denial. 

"They're mine"

There was a moment of silence in which Kakashi made a thinking sound. But he did not release her breasts. Instead, he continued to caress them softly as if that was helping him think. 

"Can you lend them to me for a bit then? I really love them, and I promise to treat them well," he said, caressing and squeezing her boobs again. Of course, he topped it with a snuggle and a kiss on her shoulder. Her smile softened. 

"Fine, but only because you asked" she answered, and immediately after his hands began massaging her breasts more shamelessly but still slowly as if they were real stress balls that actually needed to be handled with care. 

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