Chapter 6

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2 chapters today bc I hated the last one :) 

The bell of the store's door rang and excited as I was and continued to be with my new job I turned around with a smile. A smile that only got bigger when I saw the client: Kakashi. 

"Good morning! How may I be of any help today?" I asked as I had been trained to do with a proud smile. Kakashi looked away for a moment, completely unbothered, and hadn't I known him a little bit better I would have thought my customer-service kindness was annoying him. 

"Just the usual" he answered shortly. My smile fell a little and I blinked a couple of times trying to think of what that 'usual' could be. 

"Those are..." I said with a sheepish smile, clearly clueless as I had only started this job yesterday, and thus I hadn't taken any order of his yet. 

"You should know that" he answered, his eyes flickering emotionless to me again. 

His words broke my smile a little bit further but even then, my determination to make my job right prompted me to keep myself up. I picked up a notebook from under the table that my boss had told me would have written anything I needed. Kakashi stood there in silence, still eyeing me with bored eyes as I quickly rushed through all the pages. But I slowly started to become more and more disheartened when I couldn't find any note on Kakashi. 

"How much longer are you gonna take?" he asked, making me freeze and completely lose any hope I had of managing this. He sighed upon seeing my now depressed and nervous state "It's a medium bouquet of scorpion grasses" he finally told me, allowing me to breathe even though my skin remained hot. 

"I will remember for next time, I promise" I told him with a now forced small smile. He didn't say anything and even before I could tell him the price he had already handed me the money and turned around to leave. I looked at my hand and saw the amount of money he had actually given me "Kakashi, this is way more—" I started, alarmed that he had given me so much over such a simple bouquet. But he had already left the place. 

After that day Kakashi would usually come every morning asking for the same flowers. With time, and thanks to my now new knowledge of flowers, I realized they were for a grave. And knowing a little of Kakashi's back story (at least what everyone else in the village also knew) they were probably for either his team or his dad. Perhaps both. And like the first day, he always teased me a lot, trying to put me on my nerves by being cold and nit-picky about everything. But he was kind as well, and I knew he didn't do it with malice. Besides, he always, and no matter how hard I tried to convince him not to, ended up paying me more than what the flowers cost. 

All in all, everything was working well. I started to be able to pay for my things without over-worrying about if I could eat that night. I started talking regularly with Kakashi and even became friends with him; even if he probably would be reluctant to admit it and we wouldn't interact or meet outside the flower shop. I started talking with Miko and Miu more as well. Everything was just going too well.

Another day the same bell rang, and I again looked up from what I was cleaning to greet the customer with a kind smile. But it was deemed impossible when the person I saw was non-other than my own father. He hadn't even looked at me yet, his eyes were scanning the shop unhurriedly, yet my whole body was already frozen in fear. It was even funny how my father's eyes could seem as cold and empty as Kakashi's yet the way they made me feel was completely different. 

I remained in silence, not even able to greet him as I should with all the customers. But I didn't even realize it then. Time seemed to stop while my father strode along the small shop, touching the frail petals, inspecting everything before he judged me as well. I should have said something, it was forbidden for anyone to touch the flowers, but my body was too intimidated to speak. 

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