1: Subtle Encounter

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Narrator's POV

   "The usual?" She asked.

   "Yes," a man in a suit smiled, cheekily towards the barista who began to process his transaction on the counter.

   "A busy day again, hmm?" The barista asked as her eyes landed on the messenger bag and the documents in the arms of the man in a suit.

   "Yeah, got lots of things to attend to," he uttered, almost sounding like a whine.

   "Well, that's on capitalism — here's your order, have a nice day!" The barista bid her goodbye as she handed the warm cup of raspberry hibiscus tea.

   "Thanks...Haesoo," Jeonghan thanked as his eyes caught a glimpse of her name tag before turning around to leave the coffee shop.

   As soon as the man in a suit left, Haesoo's smile faded away as she looked around the empty coffee shop. "Oh, Haesoo talking to her crush," Seungkwan, her co-worker, singsongs as Haesoo shot him a glare.

   "Shut up, the guy's just friendly and shit," Haesoo defended as Seungkan chuckled while mopping the floor.

   "And you're being nice too," he teased as Haesoo scoffs while wiping the counter.

   "It's part of my job, Kwan. Part of my damn job," suddenly her phone in her pocket rang which is why she subtly took it out and took a sneaky glance at it since she's not even allowed to have her phone during work.

Meet me after your shift. Jungro's dead. 

Haesoo stifled a sigh.

Who killed him?

I don't know, that's why you have to come here.

   She stifled a sigh before stuffing her phone back inside her pocket and continuing on wiping the counter. The bell made a ring sound which signifies that the door is opened as a customer enters.

   "Welcome to Morstan's Cafe!" Seungkwan and Haesoo greeted with enthusiasm, putting on their best smiles as the customer enters.


   Meanwhile, as soon as Jeonghan entered his office, he as immediately greeted by his colleague with a panicking expression. "Jeonghan, I think we fucked up," Soonyoung uttered in despair as Jeonghan put down his cup of coffee on his desk.

   Jeonghan sighs as he loosened his tie a bit before sitting down on his swivel chair, and clamped his eyes shut along with a sigh. "It's early in the morning, Soonyoung,"

   "Jeonghan! We fucked! T-The guy we killed! He's a fucking member of a crime organization!" Soonyoung exclaimed in panic, throwing hands gestures in the air.

   As soon as Jeonghan heard the word 'organization' he opened his eyes, "What organization?" He raised an eyebrow.

   "Ganghan! Ganghan organization!" Jeonghan felt a taint of fear in him, but he remained a clam expression.

   "Turn on the news," he commanded which Soonyoung did obey. He grabbed the remote, and turned on the television that was placed by the wall horizonally across Jeonghan's desk.

   "Man found dead in the forest. 33-year old Taekwondo teacher was found dead in the forest with multiple gunshots on his stomach. Police suspects it's the 'M' killer going on a spree again as the letter 'M' was once again found on the man's back" the news anchor reported as Soonyoung and Jeonghan fell into silence as they know who clearly did it.

   "He deserves it, he raped our client and he got away due to bribery," Jeonghan muttered as Soonyoung turned to him with unbelievable expression.

   Jeonghan, a lawyer with a side job as an assassin who delivers justice to his clients in the most cruel violent way. He is known for his iconic pseudonym that only his underlings know. As for the public, he's known as the 'M killer' for he leaves the letter M in every place that he commits murder to so that his client will know that he's the one who did it. 

   "He's a member of a godamn organization and we're definitely doomed!" Soonyoung exclaimed.

   "Calm down, Soonyoung. We won't be known,"


   "I have never thought that the M killer will come for us," Haesoo uttered as she sat on the sofa, across her brother, Seungcheol.

   "Yeah, he killed one of our men last night in the forest," Seungcheol uttered.

   "The killer's been going on a spree and his target seems to be very...randomized," Haesoo explained as she took a sip of her tea.

   "Last month's victim was an 24-year old woman, and now is a 33-year old man. I don't get the connection and the point," Seungcheol expressed his confusion as his face contorts out of frustration for not figuring it out.

   "Me either, we don't know if this killer will attack us again which is dangerous. It can compromise the number of our underlings,"

   Seungcheol nods his head upon listening to his younger sister's explanation. He leans back to his sofa, crossing his arms. "All right, as my right hand. What do you suggest?"

   Haesoo puts down the cup of tea. "I need to find out who this M is," Haesoo responded.

   "I need to find it out myself,"

   "And maybe, we can put their ass to jail," she chuckled as Seungcheol smirks upon the amusing idea.

   "How are you even going to do that?" He raised an eyebrow.


   "I can just pretend that I'm them, and proceed on going on a spree until I find them, and when I find them," she trailed off as she smirks.

   "I am going to set them up and make them commit murder RIGHT IN FRONT of the authorities," she chuckled as Seungcheol clasped his hand.

   "Good idea, but we should probably conduct a deep search first before resorting to yours. We need to gather a list of suspicious people who might be the M killer,"

   Haesoo stood up from her sofa. "Do conduct then,"

   "I have to go back to the cafe now, my lunch break is over,"

   "All right. Take care, sis,"  Seungcheol bid his goodbye as Haesoo left the living room, walking through the long hallway of the mansion. Soon, she reached the doorknob, opening it as she walked out of it.

   I wonder who this M killer is. That person has been appearing on the news once or twice almost every month. He doesn't have a specific target nor time, so it's hard to find out who they are. - Haesoo thought to herself.

   Meanwhile, Jeonghan leans back on his swivel chair with overwhelming thoughts inside his head, planted by Soonyoung. He raises both of his feet which he placed on his desk while tilting his head back as he stared blankly at the ceiling.

   Ganghan organization? I heard that that triad is a scary one. I would be lying if I say that I'm not scared. Looks like I'll have to lay low for now although I want to help some of my clients who didn't get to receive the justice they deserve - Jeonghan thought to himself.

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