10: The Unseen

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Narrator's POV

   "Listen to me, Jeonghan. We got a tip off, the copycat killer aka Moirai is Choi Haesoo," Jeonghan got into one of the cubicles of the washroom. He sat on the toilet and proceeded to answer the call from Soonyoung.

   "Wh-What? You mean the Haesoo barista from the cafe across us?!" Jeonghan's eyes went round.

   "Yes! Shocking, right?! And she's the right hand of Choi Seungcheol, leader of the Ganghan organization !" Jeonghan's eyebrows furrowed upon the flabbergasting news he received.

   Who would have thought that the barista with delicate hands that held his cup of tea every morning, is also an assassin who held daggers and guns to take lives.

   "But I'm on a godamn date with her right now!" He exclaimed.

   "Say—what?! Hold on! Hold on! Are you two a thi—"

   "No, hell no! I was trying to spy on her, okay! Because the day after I atte—Ya know what, I'll explain to you later,"

   "Okay, but be carful there! And leave already!"

   "No, I can't! It would look way too suspicious!"

   "Just call me after a few minutes so I can make up an excuse to leave,"

   Jeonghan sighed as he reminisce last night's occurrence. He leaned against his swivel chair as he held his cup of Raspberry hibiscus tea which he usually orders from Haesoo's cafe. "So, what do we do now?" Soonyoung asked, breaking the ice-cold silence of the office.

   "I don't know," Jeonghan responded.

   "It's astounding to know it's her. I'm still in the process of sinking it all in, but I've got one goal towards her," Jeonghan trailed off as he diverted his gaze at Soonyoung.

   "My goal is to get rid of her," he finished.

   Soonyoung nodded his head. "Uh-huh, all we need is a step-by-step plan to execute that," he sat on the edge of Jeonghan's desk, diverting his gaze at the television that played the morning local news.

   The television plasters Joshua in a formal attire, riding around the motorcade as he wave his hand in the air to acknowledge the support his supporters give. Lots of his supporters stood by the side, cheering and shouting for him with their banners. "...Candidate for governor, Hong Joshua, continues to campaign for his candidacy as he holds a motorcade around cities..." Soonyoung diverted his gaze to Jeonghan with a sheepish, teasing smile.

   "What?" Jeonghan raised an eyebrow.

  "Aren't you going to at least do something to stop him, Han? I mean, if this man wins the election. Raison city would be full of drug junkies running around and dealing shits!"

   "And he might become like his father y'know like a dictator" Soonyoung raised his index finger, trying to make a point to stop the said candidate.

   "I'm not some kind of hero, Soonyoung. Besides, I've already gone against him once and it cost my life — not gonna risk that shit again," Jeonghan shook his head in denial, as he remembers the time he went on a court trial against Joshua for being caught in a drug cartel scandal.

   It was also the time he almost lost his life. After all, the man he went against to is a corrupt politician who is willing to do everything in the name of power and wealth.

   "He's the least of my concern, I have to get rid of Haesoo first,"


   Haesoo sat by the employee's room, taking a coffee break since someone already filled in her for her spot. She sat there with her phone on her hand, trying to catch up with the news of the day.

   "...As much as there are supporters of Mr. Hong, there are also people who are not in support of him..." The next thing that flashed was an old man being interviewed.

   "Why don't you want to support this candidate named Hong Joshua?"

   "He's a man who does drugs! If he were to be voted, wouldn't our city be more put into chaos? Plus he has been elected for many terms! It's time that he retire and give the position to the one who clearly deserve it!" The old interviewee exclaimed in a hoarse, raspy voice as he raised his fist in the air.

  Haesoo was interrupted when she got a text message from her brother.

I've got an assignment for you, so come here. Let Seungkwan take over the cafe for today.

  God, I wasn't even done with the M killer yet he keeps on piling me up with assignments. - Haesoo thought to herself before grabbing her bag to leave the premises.

   She left, took the cab that dropped her off to her brother's exquisite house where his home office is located. She was about to enter the office when she caught the door ajar. She heard muffled voices, making her curious. She peeked inside only to find Joshua, standing in front of Seungcheol.

   The governor candidate looks sad as Seungcheol kept on muttering apologies. It didn't take long for the conversation of the two to come to an end. When Joshua left, he caught a glimpse of Haesoo. The two exchanged a small bow before Haesoo got inside her brother's office.

   "Let me guess, he's begging you to help him win the election?" Haesoo asked as she sat in front of Seungcheol who sat back at his desk.

   He sighed before answering. "Yeah, but I can't,"

   "He's gonna have to find another organization that can be of service to him. Anyways, I've got someone for you to kill," Seungcheol trailed off.

   "Uh-huh, who is it this time?" Haesoo asked, as Seungcheol began to look towards a pile of folders to find the profile of the people that Haesoo is tasked to assassinate.

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