2: Masked Identities

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Jeonghan's POV

"—sentenced to death penalty,"

"No! No! How could you!? How could you have not have mercy on your own son?!" The mother of the accused shouted to the judge who announce the sentenced, which made the crowd in the court room gasped as they did not expect the judge to be related to the suspect.

"It's part of my job...my dear," as soon as the judge have responded to that, he tilted his head only to meet his glossy eyes with his wife who fell onto her knees due to disbelief.

"—Next up on 'Cruel Justice' !"

"Oh come on!" Soonyoung's complained upon hearing the show on the television end. I chuckled under my breath as I continued signing the papers while Soonyoung sat by the meeting area, watching the afternoon shows on the television.

"These cliff hangers are getting on my nerves!" Soonyoung groaned in frustration.

"Why don't you just start drafting your pleadings rather than watching those stupid afternoon shows," I suggested.

I could see on my peripheral vision that he is peeking through the divider and raising an eyebrow at me. "Stupid afternoon shows? Pfft, Jeonghan, don't even pretend that you're not watching it too," I put down my pen and spared him a glance.

"Those silly things are not worthy of my time," I teased as he rolled his eyes on me.

"Fine, don't I dare catch you watching it," I chuckled lightly as he warned me before plopping down on his swivel chair.

This is pretty much a mundane day in my small law firm, located at the second floor of a building. The lot we got is quite small, but enough to accommodate five lawyers' office separated with dividers, a small meeting area, a records room, a small pantry and of course, a washroom.

Although we have a records room, the firm still look a bit messy due to pile of documents and folders on our desks, and the shelves. It may quite be confusing for someone who doesn't work here to locate things, but as for us who's already used to be here, we know where to locate our things.

Soonyoung and I were conversing when we were suddenly interrupted with the door opening, revealing three men in suits with exhausted expression as they held their briefcases. "I have successfully obtained their background," Minghao sighed as I immediately stood up and made my way to the meeting area.

Mingyu have locked the door while Seokmin have closed the curtains. The five of us sat on the small rectangular table where a pile of documents are placed on. "It was hard to get these stuffs since this organization that Jungro was in, was achingly careful of their identity," Mingyu said as he lightly slammed the folder on the table.

"We'll uncover them pretty soon," I uttered as I opened the folder, containing a document about an identity of a 40-year old man who has been the underling of the Ganghan organization.

"Have you identified the head?" I asked.

"We're not quite sure, but we've got an idea who it is," Seokmin responded as he and Minghao exchanged glances.

"Who could it be?" Soonyoung asked with a hint of curiosity.

"We just heard that, he goes by the name Choi Seungcheol,"

"And his right hand?" I asked, not sparing a glance. The two remained silent which made me tilt my head.

"I told you to dig more, right?" the Minghao pursed his lips while Seokmin tries to evade my gaze.

I sighed as I put down the folder. "Go and find who's his right hand,"

"If Ganghan Organization troubles us, the first person I would go to for negotiation would be that person," I added as the four of them looked at me.

"Why not go for the head?" Soonyoung asked.

"Well, when you have a problem, you ask the staffs first, right. Not the manager immediately," I expressed as I leaned on my seat.

"That is why it is important to know who his right hand is, so that we would have an idea on how we would deal with them,"

"What a strategic move, Moriarty," Seokmin complimented as I smirked.

"When going to war, it's always important to have strategies. After all, you can't just show up empty-handed,"

Haesoo's POV

"And now as my right hand and best assassin, it's your job to find out who is the wolf in a sheep's clothing," Seungcheol handed me three folders, containing identities of the possible M killer.

   "There were originally ten candidates, but we've narrowed it down to three," he added, pertaining to the lost of suspicious people who could be the M killer.

"And oh guess what he's a man, we've got a tip off," My brother exclaimed, raising an index finger as he walked back and forth in his home office while I sat on the sofa with legs crossed.

"What is it?" I asked as I opened one of the folder and immediately, I fell into terror.

This can't be.

"M stands for Moriarty," Seungcheol added as I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Moriarty? like Sherlock Holmes' Nemesis?" I asked as he nodded his head.

"Looks like this killer we're chasing is somewhat of an expert when it comes to crimes," I chuckled as I put down the folder, containing Jeonghan's profile.

"Expert? how can you proclaim such thing?" I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms.

"Well," he looks up, pouting as he thought of words to say.

"He calls himself 'Moriarty' maybe, he has mastered the art of strategizing crimes," I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"We'll find out soon, I guess," I uttered as my eyes landed on the document on the center table, showing Jeonghan's picture, occupation and other background.

This man comes to the cafe almost every time since his law firm is just right across the coffee shop. And I've got to say, I'm quite astound because not only does he seem sweet, but also principled. I've seen him having meetings with desperate people asking him to deliver justice to them.

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