11: City's Torment

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Narrator's POV

   Right after Haesoo was tasked the said assassination, she executed the latter at around midnight. After all, it would be easier to get rid of bodies at that time of the day. She called a few of underlings to help her get rid of the bodies, and after that, she went home.

   "It's done," she said through her phone as she stumbles on her way to the living room, feeling heavy exhaustion take over her body.

   "Good," She finished the call after hearing her brother's approval. Immediately, she dropped down on the sofa with her bloody clothes still on.

   It didn't take long for her eyes to clamp shut and drift away to slumber since she has done so much for tonight.


   "...This morning at exactly four am, fifteen dead bodies were recovered from Ilsan Forest Park. The bodies were wrapped in tarpaulin and rope. Ten of the bodies were identified to be journalists and news reporters. Meanwhile five of the bodies were identified to be part of a crime organization..."

   Everyone that dined at the local diner were astound upon hearing the morning news. Some have stopped drinking their cups of coffee, read their newspaper and eat breakfast just to listen diligently towards the news.

   "...It was said that this is the second biggest massacre to happen to Raison city after thirty years..." The reporter added.

   "...Here we have a hint towards the person who must have killed these bodies. In this small paper we can see it written in red, it says: M for Moriarty,"

   The people in the diner began to clamor as they heard the familiar, infamous name once again

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The people in the diner began to clamor as they heard the familiar, infamous name once again. One old man had put down his newspaper to turn to his old friend. "What is it really? Is it Moriarty or Moirai?"


"Jeonghan..." Seokmin called his co-worker's name in order to know his state.

   "Hey, uh, Jeonghan," Minghao called but the man did not even budge to acknowledge him.

   Minghao, Mingyu, Soonyoung, and Seokmin exchanged glances upon seeing Jeonghan in an unusual state.

Jeonghan remained silent on his desk. His eyes still glued onto the television as he held his small cup of tea, containing raspberry hibiscus tea. His grip on the cup, tighten, causing the latter to shatter in piece between his fingers.

"Jeonghan!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he began to see scarlet drip between Jeonghan's fingers, but the man didn't mind the pain at all, as he is more immersed in his anger.

"H-How could she do this to me?" Jeonghan uttered through gritted teeth as he boiled in anger.

"I-It's her! It's that bitch, Haesoo! She has clearly done this to provoke me!" Jeonghan exclaimed in anger as he slammed his fist on his desk, creating a loud thud.

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