6: Masquerade Murderer

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Agitated and confuse, Haesoo reflects on her plan of killing as she fears that Jeonghan might get involved, hurt and discover her identity. She didn't want the man to get hurt as she still in the process of investigating him whether he's Moriarty or not.

"Fuck it," she cussed under her breath as she packs up her sniper rifle in her violin bag. She hurriedly made her way downstairs.

All right, I've got to keep him somewhere first. - she thought to herself as she eyed the man in grey suit, walking around while she fixed her mask.

She waited patiently until the man found himself in a corner of the ballroom to which Haesoo saw as an opportunity to silence him. Haesoo snuck behind him, covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief as she dragged him to the male's washroom. "You're going to follow me, one way or another," she whispered to his ear in a threatening tone as she made sure that he felt the sharp dagger pointing at his back.

As soon as they got in, Haesoo locked the door as Jeonghan resisted, but she weakened him by landing a punch on his solar plexus which caused him to fell onto the floor. "Be quiet, and don't make this hard for me," Haesoo pointed a dagger at him, as she gestured the man to follow her.

Jeonghan, confuse as he is, have let his fight instinct take in. "I-I don't know who you are, but fuck you!" Jeonghan charged towards her with his pocket knife which Haesoo evaded, but unfortunately, the pocket knife have accidentally slashed her forearm, making her wince in pain.

Haesoo had no choice, but to knock him out by landing a punch on his face and as soon as he fell onto the floor once again. Haesoo continued to throw punches until he could no longer move. He laid on the cold ground, unconscious and beaten into a pulp.

Haesoo began to look for something to tie him up in the washroom to which Jeonghan saw as an opportunity to gather his remaining strength. He slowly stood up, walking towards Haesoo whose back is facing him.

"Huh?" As Haesoo turned around, she was greeted by a punch but she evaded it. Jeonghan tried to grab her, but ended up grabbing the red rose brooch on her dress which he took, and as soon as he did that, Haesoo punched him once again.

Haesoo panted as she placed the sole of her heels on his face. "You really are a stubborn bastard, huh," she muttered to herself with a sigh.

This was supposed to be an easy task! - Haesoo whined.

She lingered her eyes until she found a towel by the side. She fixed Jeonghan's posture and made him lean against the wall, his head hung down as he is unconscious. She bound his wrists behind him and covered his mouth with the handkerchief she got.

She took a glance at her watch and ended up cussing. "Shit!"

Without any hesitance, she got out of the washroom trying to hide her disheveled appearance. She casually fixed her hair and tried to hide the laceration on her forearm by walking in an awkward manner.

As soon as she passed the crowd, she hurriedly got inside the electrical room where the fuse box is located. She took a glance at her watch and counted in three seconds until the watch have reached the time 7:00. With that, the fireworks have began.

In a heartbeat, she shut down the lights and only one remained, which is the spotlight that was focused on Gihyun. The gasps from the outside is a signal for Haesoo to fasten her pace to which she did.

She got out of the room and stood at a dark, unnoticeable corner while the people clamor around. "What is going on?"

"Why are the lights off?"

"What happened?" murmurs could be heard as Gihyun stood by the stage, dumbfounded as he was asked to wait for there for electrics to go back which was promised to be fixed in a minute, as said by the maintenance personnel.

Haesoo took this opportunity to take out the gun on her holster which she cocked. As everyone's attention were on the brown out and fireworks, Haesoo fired a shot towards Gihyun who was on stage, and in no time, everyone in the ballroom became frantic and chaotic.

"Gihyun!" Lehi, the wife, shouted in shock as she and other employees rushed to her husband on stage.

As the black out remained, Haesoo took this opportunity to leave through the back door. She hurriedly made her way to her parked car in the lot while everyone outside's attention were on the fireworks. As soon as she hopped inside, she wasted no time to start the engine and drove away.

She felt her body giving up due to the tiresome combat and undercover she had to do, especially in the physical area as her forearm kept bleeding with blood due to the laceration that Jeonghan gave her.

She began to breath heavily as she dialed on her phone with her right hand, while her left hand tends to the steering wheel. "Hello?"

"Cheol, call Wonwoo and tell him to come to my house,"

"Are you hurt?" Seungcheol's voice became worried.

"Yeah, but it's just on the forearm," she reassured.


Haesoo entered her apartment, she stumbled on her way in as she held her bleeding forearm. "Can't believe he was there," she sighed as she plopped down on the sofa, facing her brother and Wonwoo.

"Who's he?" Seungcheol asked as Wonwoo sat beside her to attend to her wound.

"Another tough mission, huh," Wonwoo commented.

Haesoo clamped her eyes shut as she stifled a sigh. "Jeonghan was there,"

"What?" Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows.

"What would he do there? he's not even some kind of rich elite or something - Gihyun only invites rich people to his parties!" Seungcheol exclaimed in confusion as he began to throw hand gestures in the air.

"Exactly, that's what I've been wondering too!" Haesoo exclaimed.

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