4: Raison City Streets

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Right after taking half-day at work, at about one in the afternoon Haesoo plans to begin her investigation on who the 'M' or Moriarty killer is. She made her way at a local convenience store where she brought ramen, soda and a rice ball.

"Here's your change," The cashier spoke in an uninterested, lazy tone as she handed the spares to Haesoo.

Haesoo, then, proceeded to get her items. She opened the ramen cup and proceeded to press the dispenser for the hot water. She sat at a corner of the store, waiting for her food to heat up. She pulled out her envelope, containing three documents about the said possible identity of the 'M' killer.

Here are the main three suspects, huh. - she thought to herself as she skims through the documents.


- 30 years old

- Occupation: None


- 22 years old

- Occupation: Pharmacy student


- 30 years old

- Occupation: Public Lawyer

Her eyebrows twitched as her eyes landed on a picture of Jeonghan. She still denies to herself that it's going to be him. After all, he has seen how kind the man is to his clients who comes to his law firm from time to time.

Haesoo continued to review the documents while taking a bite of her food from time to time. As she was in the middle of reviewing a document, a noise from outside the store, caught her attention.

"I'll see ya tomorrow!"

"Yeah yeah!" she tilted her head, only to find a group of young male students, bidding goodbyes to one another and one of them is Lee Chan.

"Such a timing," she uttered to herself as she hurriedly grab her things, putting on her hood to be in disguise. She took one last glance at her untouched cup of ramen with sad eyes.

But I really need to do this one. - she thought to herself as she left the store.

Her target, Lee Chan, have separated ways from his fellow classmates. Haesoo maintained a distance as she began to follow the young man. Chan have stopped in the middle of the sidewalk which alarmed Haesoo.

Haesoo pretended to look around as she watch Chan's moves on her peripheral vision. The young lad lingered his eyes around as he clutch tightly onto his navy messenger bag, as if he's making sure no one is looking at him although the sidewalk is crowded.

As Chan was about to land his gaze at Haesoo, the woman pretended to buy a newspaper from a standby store. Chan continued walking again and so is Haesoo who continued to follow him.

Haesoo furrows her eyebrows as she realize that Chan was following a young lady in a high school uniform.

Hold on. Is he planning to kill that young girl? - Haesoo thought as she felt alarmed.

As the sidewalk became clear, it began to be clear to Haesoo that Chan was thoroughly following a young girl who is probably at the age of sixteen or eighteen. "Shit, I need to stop him," Haesoo thought to herself.

She made a detour to make her way to an alleyway where Chan is surely to pass by. Haesoo leaned against the wall to be in disguise and as soon as the young man passed by, she grabbed the man's collar, covered his mouth and pointed a dagger at him.


"Shout and I'll kill you," Haesoo warned.

"P-Please don't! I don't have any drug money on me!" Haesoo was taken a back when Chan spoke in a trembling voice, tears brimming up his eyes.

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