8: Uncanny Enemy

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"'M' Killer strikes again! leaving a hint this time. Here we have, Lee Yora. Live! to report the news. Ms. Lee Yora?"

"Thank you, Ms. Park Insun, here we are today at the park where a 24-year old woman's body was found, bathing in her own blood as police found multiple stabs on her body. As usual, the M killer left their letter on the back of her body..."


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"....However, on a nearby rock, we can see that the same letter has been written, but this time there's a hint, saying: M for Moirai--"

However, on a nearby rock, we can see that the same letter has been written, but this time there's a hint, saying: M for Moirai--"

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"Moirai?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow as he turned to his sister after turning off the television.

Haesoo who sat on the sofa, spared no glance at him and continued wiping the dagger with a cloth, the one she used to stab the young lady last night. "If he thinks that I'll be the Sherlock Holmes to his game of menace and murders, I won't,"

"As far as I know, Sherlock doesn't assassinate. It's my work," Seungcheol chuckles at how serious his sister is.

"I get it, but why Moirai? Definition of Moirai is...?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow as he leans against the wall, crossing his arms.

"Moirai means fate, they are three Greek goddesses who decides how long a human gets to live which is something that I do. Therefore, I claim that 'Moirai' suits me best," Haesoo smiled, confidently at her brother. 

"Uh-huh, and you did all these just to provoke him?" Seungcheol asked.

"Yeah, for sure he must be in utter shock right now,"

Haesoo smiled to herself, knowing to herself that not only did she fool and confused the public, but it mostly confused the original 'M' killer whom she is hoping to come out of their hiding place right now.

Now, I wonder if the original 'M' will bite the bait and come for me. If that person does, they'll make my job a piece of cake. - Haesoo thought to herself, still feeling glee.


"Police suspects that it's a copycat killer as the letter that was written was different from the last few murder cases. Furthermore, the 'M' killer was presume to always a gun when killing a person while this time, this person used a dagger..."

Jeoghan had dropped the cup of raspberry hibiscus tea that he was about to drink. The teacup have shattered on the floor, translucent red liquid spilled on the floor along with shards of glasses.

"Jeonghan," Soonyoung turned to him with a worrisome expression as Jeonghan clenched his jaw.

"Th-That fucking woman!" Jeonghan cussed in anger as he stifled a sigh of frustration.

In the law firm, Seokmin and Minghao exchange glances upon hearing their boss' rage. "The copycat must've angered him," Mingyu whispered to the two.

Jeonghan sat down on his swivel chair, leaning against the latter as he clamped his eyes shut to rest. "Whoever did this is doing it on purpose for me to be provoked cause look at the way they drew the letter M — it's totally different from mine! Cause mine has more elegance and class!" Jeonghan could not help, but to began his tantrum.

"And my M means Moriarty! Not Moirai! it's MORIARTY!" He ranted, as he landed his fist on his desk which made a thud sound. It made the the four lawyers in the small firm, flinched.

Soonyoung sighed, in distress to sympathize with Jeonghan as he leans against the seat. "Why would this copycat provoke you and even copy you? Oh, the audacity," Soonyoung pinched the bridge of his nose.

"That's what I've been wondering too," Jeonghan sighed as he turned to the three lawyers at a side and gestured them to come towards him, including Soonyoung.

"The four of you, I want you to investigate who this Moirai is. Get every detail and information you can. Tonight's the deadline," The four people's eyes went wide upon hearing the deadline.

"We need to catch this copycat killer otherwise we're doomed. This person probably knows who we are or they are either just really copying us, but still...We must catch this person as much as possible," Jeonghan explained with full determination.


Jeonghan stays in his office, waiting for his colleagues to come back with news about the copycat killer. He had turned off every light, only his remained. He closed every blinds, but the window behind his swivel chair remained ajar.

He spins his swivel chair, facing the ajar blinds. Through the tiny view of the window, he caught a glimpse of Haesoo closing up the coffee shop across his firm. He stood up from his chair, shoving his hands inside the pockets of his slacks as he watches her leave. The woman puts on her beige hoodie, turns around, her back facing him as she walked away through the side walk.

Jeonghan stood there in silence, meditating on his future as a lawyer, and of course as an assassin. He was enjoying the tranquility when the door swung open, revealing Soonyoung, Mingyu and Seokmin, clamoring to get inside.

"I think we might know who she is!" Mingyu exclaimed as Seokmin hurriedly grabbed his laptop to open it.

"We got a CCTV footage of the night this lady was murdered. Although, it's blurry we can make a use out of it to identify the copycat killer," Soonyoung exclaimed as Seokmin plugged in the flash drive.

"Here's the first footage," Seokmin clicked a file. In the angle, a woman stood by the park, answering a call as she hugs herself since the night was cold. All of a sudden, a person in all-black clothes snuck behind her, covered her mouth and continued to stab her.

"And here's the other footage," Seokmin closed the video to click another file. In this footage, the killer could be seen wearing gloves as she used the victim's blood to write the letter M and the hint.

"How can you tell she's a girl?" Jeonghan asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Just watch," Soonyoung responded as the four of them watched in silence.

After leaving a hint, the killer pocketed her gloves. As she stood up, the hood of her hoodie was taken off due to the strong wind, exposing her hair, but not her face since she wore a mask and a cap.

Jeonghan lightly gasped as his eyes widened upon reminiscing the view he had seen by the window earlier.

"We kind of gotten an examination too," Soonyoung said as he took out a piece of paper and handed it to Jeonghan.

"The killer is of height of 5'5, medium length hair. That's all that we got," Soonyoung added as Jeonghan read the description on the paper he held, tightly. He clenched his jaw as he looked at the window by his peripheral vision where he could see the coffee shop that Haesoo works at.

Could it be you? If it's you, then, I'll have to do something to get rid of you. If it's not you, then, I'll just use you to build a facade of a diligent lawyer. - He thought to himself.

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