7: Cat and Mouse

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   Jeonghan woke up in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown. As soon as he opened his eyes, and tried to sit up. The three people in front of him were startled. "Finally! Jeonghan you're awake! I was worried when the hospital called!" Soonyoung exclaimed.

  "How long have I been out?" Jeonghan asked.

   "About a night, sir, but your vitals are stable now. You shall be able to go home later or tomorrow," the female doctor informed as she took a glance at her clipboard.

   "Sir, before you go home. I was tasked to ask you a few questions regarding last night's event," the officer explained as the he clicked his pen, and took a hold of a small notepad.


   On the other hand, Haesoo still went to work no matter how tired she is. "Morning," she uttered in small voice as she entered the empty coffee shop.

  "Morning--oh, what are you doing here?! aren't you supposed to rest?!" Seungkwan who was busy reading the newspaper, immediately tossed the paper off to divert his attention to Haesoo.

   "I'm fine," she muttered as she made her way to the back to put down her things and put on her apron.

   "Yeah, but I heard you got pretty beaten up," Seungkwan insisted as Haesoo ignored him.

   "You should go home, Haesoo. I can handle the cafe by myself," Seungkwan persuaded, but Haesoo still ignored him and walked past him.

   "Haesoo, you're being stubborn--" Haesoo sighed as she stood on the counter.

   "I said, I'm fine. Besides, doing the cashier work doesn't require much movement, so I'm fine, okay? I'm fine," she responded, emphasizing the word 'fine'

   Seungkwan was about to speak, but he chose to sigh out. "All right, if that is what you insist on,"

   "You can just go on a half-day--"

   "No," Haesoo answered with no hesitation which made Seungkwan taken a back.



   "I was supposed to kill him, not her," Jeonghan uttered in disappointment as he held a newspaper, containing the news about the death of Gihyun, titled as: CEO of Lesyeux Pharmaceuticals Shot Dead at his Company's Anniversary Party.

   "Who's she?" Soonyoung raised an eyebrow.

   "I don't know too," Jeonghan sighed as he put down the newspaper on the night stand.

  "But at least he's dead and our clients are in glee," Soonyoung assured, pertaining to the victims of the pharmaceutical's medical trial that had gone failed.

   Jeonghan was given a special request from his clients after losing the court trial due to the opposition council's corrupted connection. His clients resorted to asking him to assassinate the CEO of Lesyeux Pharmaceutical in exchange of money.  The reason for the assassination was because of the failure of the company to compensate for the victims of the failed medical trial they conducted for a new medicine they've created.

   However, Jeonghan did not expect to have encounter an assassin that was also tasked to kill the said CEO.

   "They called earlier, saying how happy they are because of the old man's death," he added.

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