3: Killer on the Loose

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Narrator's POV

   "Please! Please let me live - I won't do it again! I swear, I won't!"

   "Ah, that's what they always say," A man in trousers and white long sleeve walks up to the man in dirty denims who lay on the ground, wrist bound behind his back as he tried to crawl away from Jeonghan who is about to kill him.

  "You people act so arrogant when killing someone, but when it's your time. You beg for your life to be spared. How unfair," Jeonghan scoffed as he took another step close to the man on the ground whose face is full of terror.

   "P-Please, I swear. I won't do it again!" The man begged, pertaining to his crime of killing children just for fun to satisfy his psychotic cravings.

   "You've done it five times, how am I supposed to believe you?" Jeonghan raised an eyebrow.

   "Let's end this already," he sighed.

   "Please no--" Jeonghan wasted no time and fired a shot right to his head. Jeonghan emotionlessly stuffed the gun back inside his pocket as the man he killed, laid onto the sand ground, blood gushing out of his head, pooling around his body.

   Jeonghan proceeded to kneel down, putting on his leather glove to cover his fingerprints. He dipped his forefinger onto the pool of blood and proceeded to use it as an ink to write the letter 'M' onto the sand.

 He dipped his forefinger onto the pool of blood and proceeded to use it as an ink to write the letter 'M' onto the sand

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As soon as Jeonghan was done with his job, he stood up and left the warehouse. "Take care of it," he commanded to his right hand, Soonyoung, who stood beside the door, leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette as he waited for Jeonghan to finish.

   Soonyoung tossed off the cigarette on the concrete, and stepped on it to make sure that it has been put off properly, before he entered the abandoned warehouse to take care of the body. Jeonghan hops inside his car, stifling a sigh as he took off his blood-stained leather glove, and gun, stuffing both inside the compartment.

  He clamped his eyes shut as he leaned against the headrest, feeling exhausted after wasting all his energy on tonight's murderous agenda. A feeling of pity started to pool inside of him, but at the same time, he felt that the man he killed deserved it - after all, he wasn't imprisoned due to the corrupted judge which is why, Jeonghan, came to handle the matter himself by delivering justice to the victim through killing.

   Jeonghan's phone rang, he picked it up to answer the call. "H-Hello, attorney Y-Yoon?" The trembling, soft voice of a woman greeted his ears.

   "Ah yes, Mrs. Lee, it's done," Jeonghan responded, calmly. The man is pretty confident about his beautiful work of murder since he makes sure that his clients sign a Non-Disclosure Contract first before proceeding to the devilish activity.

    In response, the old woman on the other line ended up sobbing, finally getting the justice she wants for her dead son. "Th-Thank you so much! you don't know how thankful I am! My son deserves this justice! he deserves it,"

   The old woman continued to sob as Jeonghan hung his head low, biting his bottom lip to fight the urge to tear up.


   "This is Raison City Local news, reporting, a man in his 30s was found dead in a lake. His body wrapped in a rope along with tons of rocks in his pockets that prevented the body from floating. Authorities suspects that the man was shot by the 'M' killer who strikes again, leaving a hint as usual at the nearby abandoned warehouse..."

   "Great, another one is dead," Seungcheol stifled a sigh of frustration upon hearing that the 'M' killer strike again, afraid that the latter might come for his organization. He leans against his swivel chair while Haesoo stands in front of him.

    "Have you began your investigation?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow as Haesoo gulped down.

   "W-Was about to," Seungcheol furrows his eyebrows.

   "Begin now before he comes for us. He's a major threat," he commanded.

   "I'll tell Seungkwan to take care of the cafe by himself so you could focus,"

   So bossy. - Haesoo thought to herself, cussing at her brother in her mind.

   "Fine," she answered coldly before turning around to leave his home office.


   "Hey Seungkwan, I have an assignment. I might just go to work half-day," Haesoo spoke as she entered the cafe.

   "Yeah, I know. He texted me earlier," Seungkwan muttered as he continued to wipe the counter.

   "Are you on-the job...again?" Seungkwan asked as Haesoo entered the lockers' room, leaving the door opened as she is in a rush to put on her apron.

   "Yeah, but it's tougher this time," she answered as she made her way to the counter while Seungkwan goes back to the kitchen as it is his main task.

   Seungkwan is somewhat of a close friend to the two siblings. After all, he's the one who runs the cafe business when the two are busy with their illegal activities - he has always been there to work for the front business the two own.

   Suddenly the door opened, revealing a man in a suit. "Oh morning," Haesoo smiles cheekily at Jeonghan.

   "The usual?" Haesoo asked.

   "Yes," Jeonghan smiles as Haesoo proceeds to process the transaction.

   As Jeonghan takes out his wallet to pay, the sound coming from the television catches his attention. " 'M' Killer strikes again! Man found dead in lake this morning!"

   "Another murder, eh? could this Raison city get any peace," Jeonghan plasters a worried expression as he shakes his head, clicking his tongue.

   "Well, welcome to Raison city where every morning, we eat crime for breakfast," Haesoo jokes as the two shared a small chuckle and scoff.

   "Here's your change," Haesoo handed him the spares right after Jeonghan paid. In a matter of a few minutes, his tea was done, brewed just how he liked it.

   "Thank you and have a good day!" Haesoo bid her goodbye as Jeonghan made his way to the exit.

   Jeonghan looked over his shoulder and smiles at her. "You too!" he said before leaving.

   As soon as the man left, Haesoo's smile fades away.

   I need to know who Moriarty is as much as possible. - she thought to herself, feeling the pressure that her brother is giving her.

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