31 Monday the Sick-minded Day

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(A/N: some useless stuff here in the beginning to make the chapter WORK. ROARR!)

POV Hiccup

Have you ever hated the word Monday? How you wished of not getting out of bed? It's like the whole word is invented as a synonym or antonym for 'disaster'. The day might actually start out good, with your hopes high for the week. Then the reality hits you hard with it's mighty power just few hours after you've woke up.

That's the day today, Monday. At first I was excited to get back to work, but now - now I'm just really not in the mood.

And why?

Well you try being in overwhelming heat, carrying the weight on your back. And yes, in burning hot heat and the weight is actually a huge shouldered quarterback who for some reason is wearing this blue furry monster suit with horns and purple dots. It's a rather heavy burden. But it's Monday for this guy too and it's just me carrying him while he is knocked out in a fire. Brilliant right? Monday has a sick sense of humor.

And how did we end up in this situation? Well, let's start from the beginning of this dreadful day. Dreadful day called Monday.

"Are you positive that you're ready for work?" Merida asked from me. She came to walk with me to work this morning.

"Yeah, as ready as I will ever be," I gave her a grin. It's much easier to move with this leg of mine that Hiro created. It took me some time to actually get Mr. Corona accept me back on the team with my disabilities. But I proved him wrong.

Once we were at the station I heard loud cheers from my team's members. Punzie came to hug me and it was a bit hard actually because of her bump.

"So how's the leg Hiccs?" Hiro asked curiously as I managed to get inside the station fully.

I grinned, "It's awesome actually! It feels like my own and it's easy to use. Great work genius!" I laughed and Hiro responded with a smile.

Then I screamed, something cold went inside my shirt's collar and I heard some loud laughter behind of me. "JACK YOU FREAKING MORON!" I roared as I turn around. Jack's eyes flashed open and he smirked.

"Try to catch me pogo stick," Jack snorted while he ran away.

"I'm gonna get you for this," I yelled as I tried to get the ice cube out from under my shirt.

Just when I was about to run after him I heard a yelp and then some yelling. Everyone stared when Jack slipped onto something, flying towards a rack filled with equipment. He fell and got most of stuff on him.

"Serves you right... prankster," Elsa spoke as she walked past Jack sassily. I notice how she steps over a small puddle on the floor. Jack's busy on getting himself out from trouble while cursing.

"Great to have you back," Elsa smiled and gave me a hug. I glance at Jack while hugging Elsa back. I'm still kinda confused on what happened, how Jack ended up sliding and flying down. For a slight moment Jack glared at me angrily for some reason but calmed down when Elsa let go of me.

"Great to see you too chief!" I cheered to Elsa who smiled faintly back.

Elsa nodded towards Jack, "That moron is your chief again, not me." Elsa laughed.

Jack groaned and rolled his eyes, "This moron is your chief too!" Jack snapped at Elsa.

"What's up with them?" Hiro whispered when Elsa left and went to coffee room. We should have our morning coffee soon.

"Well I just got back to work. Maybe someone can actually beat Jack on his own game?" I replied while I managed to get the almost melted ice cube out from my shirt. My back was wet and felt cold still.

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