37 The Ones We Love

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POV Hiccup

Merida turns the radio louder. We're hearing how a broadcaster is telling about a police situation at the nearby.

"They found the arsonists?" Elsa asks. She's now our new chief while Jack is staying at the office, handling the big circles.

"I think so," I replied while listening. For some reason I want to know which police unit is at the scene.

"C'mon guys! Focus! We're almost at the library. There's a hellfire going on!" Merida gulped out.

"Are there people inside?" Elsa asked. She was putting on her helmet and I follow her lead.

"The library owner and few others are trapped," Hiro explained. He had been responding to radio call earlier.

"Well let's get them out, shall we?" Elsa smiled.

"HECK YEAH!" We all cheered together.

"I will go in with Hiccup," Elsa explained.

"Hiro and Merida will give us the hose and keep things in order outside the fire. I heard that station 131 is already at the scene," Elsa continued and we agreed to her terms.

I took couple deep breaths from my oxygen mask and I look at Elsa quickly. We are ready to go inside the flaming building. The guys from station 131, Emma and Gold came out. Their oxygen had run out and they told us that in the far end of the library is a room with three people trapped. We should continue to try to get them out.

The flames are eating away the old books in the library. Tons of literature is being devoured by the increasing heat and fire that are now also seriously threatening the lives of the people in need of help.

"Hiccup, we need to keep this path open so we can get to that door. I believe that they are in there, we need to avoid explosive fire," Elsa explained and pointed at the door.

She was right. If the rooms oxygen meets the roaming fires outside it might cause the amount of flames speed increase in a way that the room would end up into death trap.

We were calming down the flames until they were just small fire spots scattered around. In the air some charring book pages where flying around. It was a total disaster.

It was weird to watch the walls that previously had book cases that now were just glowing around us, when the flames were fighting stubbornly against going out. The flames were losing the battle now though as we had watered them down.

"Let's be careful," Elsa spoke through helmet radio communicator.

"Sure, you want to go in first?" I asked. Lately we've been really careful inside the fires. It's like we enter into traps each time.

I watch how she opens up the door. There are three people laying on the floor. One of them was Belle who owns the library. Then there seems to be two library visitors.

"Let's get the first two out," Elsa told me. She grabbed onto Belle and I went to a black haired girl. I lift her up and to rest against my shoulder. Quickly we brought them out and we return to get the last girl.

"You keep the flames down!" Elsa ordered when she went to the burning room again. I kept on taming the flames. Now she was with the girl who was unconscious, she had long brown hair.

Elsa placed the girls hand on her shoulder and lifted. I saw something sticking from under the girl. It had a shiny silver polish.

"Elsa?" I asked. She glanced at me when she lifted the girl up fully. It all happened in an instant.

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