34 Voice Inside the Brightness

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POV Jack

So bright, the kind of bright that makes my eyes hurt. I can barely hear anything, just the silence. It feels like I'm floating high up in the air, gazing at the sun through the white clouds.

Is this heaven?

It feels like, like... like I've experienced this before, flying. My hand is holding something and I open up my eyes. It's a wooden staff and ground is far below me. And truly, the sky is above me and clouds are surrounding me.

What just happened? I rub my temples slowly. I just remember eating some cake and then passing out. Am I dead?

I decide to fly down but for some reason I can't. It's like I'm stuck in the air. "Whatta heck," I mumble as I try and try again. This is so confusing, how can I even fly.

Ah, maybe I died finally. The cold finally got me as I slowly realize. I got allergic reaction, the air condition was making me feel cold. My body started reacting, my air flow was cut. Yeah, I think I died.

I glance over my shoulder, there's the bright light. Maybe I should follow it? This might be a sign that heaven awaits me and not hell.

"I wish that I could've said goodbyes," I whisper as I fly towards the clouds and brightness. Warmth is filling me slowly. This feels so right but it really hurts my eyes.

I close my eyes again, the heat is going to my every limp.


A feminine voice spoke. It was her, now the warm feeling exploded inside me and I felt like I was burning up.


She said my name again and I felt a painful stroke in my heart. It's like I had hit a wall while flying, my whole body twitched when the pulse went through me like electricity.

I'm holding my chest, I can't see anything in this white light. "Elsa... Elsa?" I called her name. Is she here with me? I'm hoping that she is, I'm... I'm afraid, I don't know what's happening.

"I can't see Els, please, where are you?" I cried aloud. I kept on turning around, trying to hear even a bit of her sweet voice reaching out to me.

"Open your eyes," she whispered.

I can't. It's too bright, I can't see. It's burning my eyes. These thoughts were going on in my mind.


Her voice was begging. Maybe she is right next to me? Slowly I open up my eyes and the light made me yell, it was hurting my eyes and almost burning through my skull. Then a shadow came over the light and I start to see the outlines of someone. My heart is thumping inside my chest and my eyes are flickering.

A smile spreads on my face. I'm looking into her crystal blue eyes and then I feel her soft hand touching my cheek.

"You came back to me," Elsa whispers and before I could say anything she leans down and presses her lips against mine. I can taste salt, she has been crying. I reach my hands around her and she fells to bed with me. We only parted for air but it gave me time to look around.

A hospital but why? Why am I here? The cake. The freaking cake.

"Elsa. Where is my team?" I ask and I try to hide the panic I'm feeling. Now I remember, I passed out while Elsa started to treat other's with adrenalin so the allergy symptoms would be gone. There was something wrong with the cake. It made me have allergic symptoms, severe ones.

"Hiro, Hiccup and Merida are waiting on the outside. Punzie is being treated still, you and here were having it the worst... T-then c-chief Corona. H-he didn't make it," Elsa cried aloud and buried her head to my chest.

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