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POV Jack

Elsa went back to our apartment while I went to see Hiccup. Merida gave me a call earlier, saying that she will stay a bit longer with Punz and Eugene because Punzie is acting a bit weird. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I walk up the stairs, straight to Hiccups door. I knock it three times.

"Who is it? " A lame voice speaks but I recognize it belonging to Hiccup.

"It's me, Jack," I told him and soon the door opened up. I step in and the place is a mess.

"What's up?" Hiccup mumbles and goes to sit on his couch. I pat Toothless on my way to sit next to him.

"Nothing much. Want to watch some television? The marathon has started," I asked as I grab the remote.

"Sure, why not," he sighs blankly.

I mess his hair a bit quickly which makes him huff in dissatisfaction. He pushed me away harshly.

"Stop!" He shouted.

"Not until you speak with me," I told to him while I kept my eyes on him.

"I'm talking with you idiot," he yelled and jumped up. He was getting mad.

"Yeah but your girlfriend just died and I'm your friend. I came here to listen to you, not to pretend like nothing shit like that didn't happen!" I groaned as I stood up. Immediately he punched his fist at my chin and I dropped back to the couch. I stare at him in misbelieve.

"Thanks for reminding me dude. Merida came by and actually managed to make me feel a tiny bit better and then you came along. How would you know how I feel anyway! Unless someone murders your girlfriend," he continued shouting and clenching his fists.

"Chill, I really don't know but... I'm here and you can just throw those aggressive feelings at me," I mumbled as I got up again. He got ready to hit me again but few inches before he paused and his eyes were watering, then his arms dropped against his sides.

"I'm sorry Jack," he whispered sadly.

"It's okay Hiccs. This is not gay thing to do," I muttered when I wrapped my arms around him. He gave a quick hug back before letting go.

Then we sat on the couch again, simultaneously and he wiped his eyes while I turn on the television.

"S-so Station 313 is o call duty during this charity event?" Hiccup sniffed.

"Yeah," I replied.

They were starting the marathon and soon we heard the start shot being fired and the runners were on their way. Firemen were using red clothes, police men blue and health care workers were using white. Each of them had a charity where they would donate the winning money. It was a yearly event which had gained much attention and popularity.

"Astrid would've been running if everything would've been like before," Hiccup sighed.

"Yeah, this year I think that I'll be cheering the police men," I mumbled.

"Me too."

My phone started buzzing and I told Hiccup that I would be gone for a moment.

"Jackson Overland," I responded.

"This is a disaster!" A panicked voice came through the phone lines and nearly ruptured my ears.

"Nancy?" I questioned. She was one of the people who works in emergency call center.

"Fires! Fires everywhere. Get your ass in the station," she nearly screamed on the phone.

"Alright, we're on duty," I said and finished the call. I got messages to Merida and Elsa quickly. They replied immediately but I couldn't reach Hiro. Three people won't be enough.

The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa / Big x )Where stories live. Discover now