24 Winter 4

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POV Elsa

"I wonder what kind of dreams you are seeing," I whispered as I leaned against his bed.

"Are you dreaming of flying? How about your friends? Or maybe about how you're making my life a living hell?" I laughed as I pinched some of his hair between my fingers. He took a breath, deep one and his eyes moved beneath his eyelids. A thought came into my mind again, a clear idea of what I should do.

I knew that he would be mad, right when I had done it since he feels everything that I have done to his body, even the slightest touch. This he had forbidden from me, to touch him and he especially said that he is not like one of those fairy tale princesses.

He wasn't here, well at least not his spirit. I had lied to him about going to meet my sister but instead I came to hospital. Last night I spent without sleep, just thinking through the idea all over again. Now it seems like a good one actually.

His finger flinched and I let my hand touch his arm, he sighed in his sleep which made me smile. I stood up and went to sit on the edge of his bed, his hand was now against my leg and I hold my breath as I leaned to caress his cheek.

"Elsa, I just had the weirdest feeling ever while I was checking up what Hiccup was doing.. I sort of figured out that you would be here," Frost mumbled as he had appeared next to the bed.

"Umm... hey," my cheeks blushed as I watched him. He was looking suspicious while clenching the wooden cracked surface of his staff. Slight layer of frost started twirling around the branch like delicate fern patterns.

"Well.. hey, what the heck are you doing?" He said while his voice rose, his right eyebrow twitched up as he was looking more and more intimidating.

"I will test my theory?" I laughed nervously and I turned back to look at his body.

"No way, you can't be serious," he gasped as I was staring at his body's thin lips. Without responding to him I bit my lower lip nervously as I carefully pulled my hair behind my neck, holding them up.

I inhaled deeply as I was getting myself on top of his body. My heart was throbbing wilder as I was closing in the gap between us, even his body smelled like the sweet mints that were always lingering on my mind. I enjoyed the drugging scent of his, it was literally making my mind go wild.

"NO!" I heard his roar and I opened up my eyes when I felt some pressure against my chest. I saw his spirit, being desperately between me and his body. "Stop this nonsense Elsa! You can't! We can't return to the way things used to be if you continue," his eyes pleaded for me to stop. His expression was tight and his hand was closing in into a fist against my chest.

"Stop?" He begged again and did a small bump against my chest with his fist. My lips parted a bit, I couldn't say a response but instead I cupped his cheek inside my right hand. It made his eyes widen and he breathed in deeply, his cheeks were flushing.

Again I felt his finger trembling against my leg. "Frost, let me do this. I need to try it for you," I whispered and he shook his head wildly.

"If you won't let me kiss your body, then I'll kiss the spirit of yours," I grinned mischievously and he started coughing.

"You wouldn't dare," he gulped.

"I'm going to kiss either one of you, right now," I grinned as I leaned closer.


"If you dematerialize, then I kiss your body. If you don't then I'm kissing you," I said and I could taste the minty scent on my lips. He wasn't backing off this time.

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