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3rd's POV

"I WOULD NEVER GIVE MY CHILD TO YOU!" a woman yelled at the man in front of her.

"You mean 'OUR' child," the blonde male said. He grips the gun in his hand. He removes the safety lock of the gun.

"To hell with you BASTARD, you used me as a fucking replacement all because Hinata rejected you and now you have the audacity to act lovey and shit just what? To take my child? Fucking hell stinking bitch" the woman spat. She hated him with all of her beings.

"Can't you just stop this crap? You're making it harder for our family you know." the male lowered his gun away from her.

"FUCK YOU" the woman yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Guess you leave me no choice huh?" he aimed the gun at her head.

"Any last words my dear beloved?" he looks at her with a sad smile with tears running towards his cheeks.

"I wish I didn't meet all of you, I regret being friends with you and your lunatic gangs"

"I wish I didn't agree to go out with you"

"I wish I didn't cross paths with you bastards so that my life or my daughter's life wasn't ruined"

"And lastly, I wish you guys will never find my child EVER and if you do find her, I know she will hate you with all of her being and more likely avoid you bastards" with that a bullet shot right through her.

The blue-eyed male snapped back to his senses.

He killed the woman he loves the most. Even more than Hinata Tachibana.

"FUCKING HELL! I'm so fucking dumb" he ran his finger through his hair.

"Now I can't find my daughter" he gritted his teeth.

He fished out his phone from his pocket.

"Oi Hanma get our ass in here. I have a job for you. " he hung up the phone after saying his orders.

Tears started to fall from his eyes. Now he can't complete his dream. His dream family. He was so close to killing himself on the spot, but he stopped himself from doing that.

He had a new goal to accomplish.

To find his missing daughter and be reunited with her.

To find his missing daughter and be reunited with her

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"Oi Kisaki I'm here. What do you need me to do?-" the voice immediately stopped.

The tall male was shocked to see a woman dead laying on her pool of blood. The wall behind her was splashed with her blood, but her familiar scent. A rosey one that is. He then recognizes her familiar scent. 

"Holy shit, Kisaki what did you?" He walks towards the body.

"She didn't want to give any hints about our daughter, who appears to be missing or sent away for some reason," the blonde male said with eyes filled with emptiness. 

𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now