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After a whole month locked up in her room by dad (lying to her that she might get sick again if she goes outside).

(Y/N) was waiting for an online she ordered. She brought a dragon plushie since she misses her plushie back in the Philippines. And if you're wondering where did she get her money, let's say certain police were having fun spoiling her and a major creep sending her money.

Like she'll wake up by the delivery guy saying someone sent her something.

Sometimes she'll receive shit tons of money or expensive items that she's not gonna use. For example, the other day she got a pin resembling a bowl with riceballs. The riceballs were colored purple, red, lightish-green, and orangey-yellow. That kinda reminds me of something or someone.

And then this last Tuesday she got a pink bunny plushie with no arms resembling a certain bunny from an anime she tends to watch.

She always receives gifts that are either random or just something related to the one she likes. How odd.

Knock knock. The package is here! (Y/N) ran out of her room and sprinted towards the door.

When she opened the door, she did not expect someone will be expecting to visit the house.

The guy gave her a blank stare as if he was trying to tell her to speak or something.

"H-Hi sir d-do you need s-something?" 'WHY DID I STUTTER?' she looked at him.

He was handsome that she can say. His hair was tied up in a ponytail with highlights. His tattoo on his neck makes him kinda sexy. Oh my, I got carried away with him. I just like him too much. Hehe.

Anyways, he had a small trinket in his hands.

"This is for you? (N/N)" her face went pale. HOW DOES HE KNOW HER NICKNAME?

"T-Thank you s-sir" 'not this shit again' she thought.

"I'll head on my way, see ya, dear~" he handsomely smiled.

When she closed the door, a memory suddenly triggered.

"Kazu-kun where in the world are we going?" the girl asked

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"Kazu-kun where in the world are we going?" the girl asked. 

They've been on the motorcycle for about 30 minutes or so. 

"Just wait a bit longer we're almost there" Kazutora smiled at her. 

The girl hugged Kazutora's waist tighter in fear of falling since Kazutora suddenly sped up.

"KAZU-KUN YOU IDIOT SLOW DOWN" Kazutora just laugh at her.

"We're here!" he stopped the motorcycle. Both of them got down from the motorcycle.

"What is this place?" the girl asked. They were are at the foot of the mountain.

"Don't tell me we're gonna hike or something?" she asked. She was annoyed where Kazutora brought.

𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now