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(Y/N)'s POV

Dad and Mr. Takemichi went to buy some food(that was recommended by the doctor ofc).

I was left all alone by myself in the room.

I can still remember the sudden shock when I saw that creep at the cafe.

Did he seriously track me down? The hell with this bastard.

I just want to shove him down to the deepest parts of hell. While I was plotting my plans on murdering Kisaki, the door opened.

"Dad that was quick-" she widened her eyes at the unknown man.

I was stunned when I saw the man. I don't know him but for some reason his eerie smile. His height scared me. He is quite tall. His short whitish-purple with black strands in his hair.

"Ah hello, darling! I heard from the nurse you passed out. Are you darling alright now? Do you want dad to fetch you something?" the man asked.

'HOLY CRAP WHO IS HE? I DON'T REMEMBER HIM' I trembled from making him frown. Why is he upset? He literally entered my room and now he's acting like a dad to me. That's weird, doesn't it kinda remind me of someone? Maybe it's just me, moving on.

"U-Uhm, sir? A-Are you l-lost? Maybe your d-daughter is in the next r-room" I awkwardly smiled. I'm just praying to dear lord that this guy won't kill me on the spot.

His frown suddenly turned into a smile. Now, I was so close to passing out. This guy is just creepy. His calm but sinister-looking smile is making me tremble and close to crying. 

"Darling what are you talking about? YOU are (Y/N) Haitani" the girl suddenly stops shaking hold on.

If I'm correct in my birth certificate, my name is (Y/N) Tachibana not (Y/N) Haitani. 

"I-I'm sorry sir, but are you sure? (Y-Y/N) Tachibana i-is my name s-sir not that" she bravely stated her name.

His smile went back into a frown and the aura around him suddenly changed. It's like he's threatening the girl to agree with him.

'OMG IS HE GONNA KILL ME? I'M NOT READY TO DIE AGAIN' small tears started to form.

This immediately brought him back into reality and realize he scared the little girl in front of him.

"Oh sorry darling, dad is just stressed from work. I decided to visit you after finding out you came back from the Philippines. Your mom is really something huh? I wonder what goes through her head sometimes but then again maybe she didn't take her medication or she's having her episodes back then when she sent you to your uncle" he sighed. He was still annoyed at her mom for pulling that kind of string.

"Ah, I brought you some adorable clothes, a ball-jointed doll and a couple of hair accessories hope you don't mind these. I wanted to spoil but I have to hold back before I bought the entire store just for you" he giggled.

'Just how rich is this guy? These clothes are worth more than my life and this doll doesn't come cheap as well' I stared at him. Contemplating if I should accept it or not. But considering the amount and his aura showing me, I'll just accept it.

"If may I ask what is your name?" I asked.

"Haitani Ran" that name sounds familiar.

I suddenly mumbled a word.

"....Munchkin..." he was surprised.

His face for some reason acted shocked as if I said wrong or bad.

"How do you know my nickname?" he was confused.

I suddenly felt like the world was spinning and I succumb to its 

𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now